15 results

Pricing road use for greater responsibility, efficiency and sustainability in cities: Social and political issues.

Bielefeldt, C. (2004)
Pricing road use for greater responsibility, efficiency and sustainability in cities: Social and political issues.
The PRoGRESS project was developed in response to a Call for Proposals by the European Commission, and more specifically, to address task 2.3.1/9 ‘Testing the effectiveness an...

Evaluating the impact of innovative cycling measures in EU cycling cities.

Presentation / Conference
Stewart, K., O'Dolan, C., & Carreno, M. (2015, April)
Evaluating the impact of innovative cycling measures in EU cycling cities. Paper presented at 7th International Travel Demand Management Symposium, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona USA
The impact of “softer” measures to improve cycling mode share are often difficult to quantify and assess. The CHAMP project is an Intelligent Energy Europe funded project whic...

Evaluating the impact of innovative cycling measures in EU cycling cities.

Presentation / Conference
O'Dolan, C., Stewart, K., & Tricker, R. (2014, May)
Evaluating the impact of innovative cycling measures in EU cycling cities. Paper presented at 10th Annual Scottish Transport Research and Applications Conference, Glasgow
The impact of “softer” measures to improve cycling mode share are often difficult to quantify and assess. The CHAMP project is an Intelligent Energy Europe funded project whic...

Delivering infrastructure and land use transport integration policy: examining good governance issues in Melbourne and Perth.

Conference Proceeding
Legacy, C., Sturup, S., Curtis, C. & Wigan, M. (2008)
Delivering infrastructure and land use transport integration policy: examining good governance issues in Melbourne and Perth
Governance is a difficult topic to address in the often controversial area of transport and planning. Good governance allows issues associated with balancing different interes...

Identifying Barriers To The Implementation Of Bus Policy At A Local Level In Great Britain Using A Decision Support Framework

McTigue, C. Identifying Barriers To The Implementation Of Bus Policy At A Local Level In Great Britain Using A Decision Support Framework. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/1516301
The current debate on transport policy in the UK is focused on the need for a sustainable transport system. Buses play a vital role in achieving this, as they are the most fre...

How do we share the benefits of walking and cycling? lessons learned from the Active Access project.

Book Chapter
O'Dolan, C. (2013)
How do we share the benefits of walking and cycling? lessons learned from the Active Access project. In W. Gronau, W. Fischer, & R. Pressl (Eds.), Aspects of Active Travel. How to encourage people to walk or cycle in urban areas, 11-30. Verlag MetaGISInfosysteme, Mannheim
The benefits of using walking and cycling as a means of daily transport are numerous and well documented (Rabl & de Nazelle 2012, de Nazelle et al 2011, Larkin 2009, Cavill et...

Dynamic congestion charging: Investigating boundary effects when applying low-revenue tolls.

Journal Article
Stewart, K., & Ge, Y. (2015)
Dynamic congestion charging: Investigating boundary effects when applying low-revenue tolls. International Journal of Transportation, 3(2), 17-30
This paper investigates the impact of realistic congestion charging regimes where undesired boundary effects of imposing charges may occur and may be both temporal and spatial...

‘Green’ fiscal measures for lessening the environmental impact of private vehicle ownership – a review.

Conference Proceeding
Borthwick, S. & Carreno, M. (2010)
‘Green’ fiscal measures for lessening the environmental impact of private vehicle ownership – a review. In Cygas, D. & Froehner, K. (Eds.). The 8th International Conference on Environmental Engineering (8th ICEE) – Selected Papers, 860-867. ISBN 978-9955-28-831-2
Given the increasing concerns surrounding climate change, the paper focuses upon the transport sector and the use of taxation policy to help curb rising amounts of carbon diox...

Transport surveillance: social impacts.

Conference Proceeding
Wigan, M. & Clarke, R. A. (2005)
Transport surveillance: social impacts
The growth in ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) and other potentially problematic surveillance applications has been occurring at the same time as measures such as data regi...

Smart meter technology tradeoffs.

Conference Proceeding
Wigan, M. (2012)
Smart meter technology tradeoffs. https://doi.org/10.1109/TSAsia.2012.6397987
Smart meters have become a matter of concern for many populations, although the technology is as always politically neutral. The focus on electricity rather than all metered s...