4 results

Modelling the effect of social affinity between nations on their development

Journal Article
Raeside, R. (2009)
Modelling the effect of social affinity between nations on their development. International journal of pure and applied mathematics : IJPAM, 50, 251-258
Nations have developed at different rates and this differential development is manifested on the wellbeing of their populations. The reasons for different rates of development...

The role of emotion, space and place in police custody in England: Towards a geography of police custody

Journal Article
Wooff, A., & Skinns, L. (2017)
The role of emotion, space and place in police custody in England: Towards a geography of police custody. Punishment and Society, https://doi.org/10.1177/1462474517722176
Police custody is a complex environment, where police officers, detainees and other staff interact in a number of different emotional, spatial and transformative ways. Utilisi...

Housing options and solutions for young people in 2020

Clapham, D., Mackie, P., Orford, S., Buckley, K., Thomas, I., Atherton, I., & McAnullty, U. (2012)
Housing options and solutions for young people in 2020. Edinburgh, Scotland: Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Recent economic, social and political change has resulted in a lot of uncertainty regarding the housing options for young people in the UK. This report aims to inform the deve...

Preliminary findings on police custody delivery in the twenty-first century: Is it ‘good’ enough?

Journal Article
Skinns, L., Wooff, A., & Sprawson, A. (2015)
Preliminary findings on police custody delivery in the twenty-first century: Is it ‘good’ enough?. Policing and Society, 27(4), 358-371. https://doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2015.1058377
Since the 1980s, police custody in England and Wales has seen the civilianisation and privatisation of key roles formerly performed by police officers and changes to how polic...



