7 results

Analysis: Building the Future of EU: Moving Forward with International Collaboration on Blockchain

Journal Article
Buchanan, B., & Naqvi, N. (2018)
Analysis: Building the Future of EU: Moving Forward with International Collaboration on Blockchain. The Journal of the British Blockchain Association, 1(1), 1-4
A blockchain enabled 'Digital Single Economy " can act as a catalyst for growth and could provide a platform where borderless innovative practices will thrive and create a tru...

Social and cultural factors in FDI flows: Evidence from the Indian states.

Journal Article
Sathe, S., & Handley-Schachler, M. (2006)
Social and cultural factors in FDI flows: Evidence from the Indian states. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 2, 323-334. https://doi.org/10.1504/WREMSD.2006.010217
Abstract Foreign Direct Investment is of increasing importance for both developing and industrialized countries, with the UN estimating total FDI flows at $560 billion in 2003...

Local authorities and economic development in Scotland

Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W. (1992)
Local authorities and economic development in Scotland. Local work : CLES bulletin, 1-7
The recently published Consultation Paper on the reform of local government in Scotland presents options which will have profound effects upon economic development activities ...

The effects of culture and politics on Foreign Direct Investment and sustainable development in China: some research hypotheses

Journal Article
Brown, A., Orr, A., Luo, J., Omar, M., & Handley-Schachler, M. (2006)
The effects of culture and politics on Foreign Direct Investment and sustainable development in China: some research hypotheses. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 2(1/2), 89. https://doi.org/10.1504/wremsd.2006.009078
China's GDP reached US 1.159 trillion in 2001, making it the sixth largest economy in the world. In addition the Chinese government has reformed its economy, liberated market ...

Accounting for the Ideology and Culture within Literature: Deconstruction of Arguments in Modern Islamic Discourse on Economics and Finance

Journal Article
Khaleel, F., & Avdukic, A. (2019)
Accounting for the Ideology and Culture within Literature: Deconstruction of Arguments in Modern Islamic Discourse on Economics and Finance. Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics and Business Law, 8(2), 112-137
There currently exists a body of discourse on finance, economics, and social governance representative of emerging and contemporary Islamic thought with an aim to create an Is...

‘Greed is (not) good’ the causes and consequences of the financial crisis

Journal Article
Ellis, V. (2011)
‘Greed is (not) good’ the causes and consequences of the financial crisis. Work, Employment and Society, 25(1), 163-169. https://doi.org/10.1177/0950017010389245
No abstract available.

FDI, international business and regulation: The behaviour of UK multinational corporations.

Journal Article
Smith-Hillman, A. V. & Omar, M. (2005)
FDI, international business and regulation: The behaviour of UK multinational corporations. European Business Review. 17, 69-82. doi:10.1108/09555340510576276. ISSN 0955-534X
Purpose - Multinational corporations (MNCs) occupy a central role within the process of globalisation as evidenced through global foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows value...