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4 results

Reflection on practice: Consultation skills

Journal Article
McLeish, L., & Snowden, A. (2017)
Reflection on practice: Consultation skills. Nurse Prescribing, 15(12), 600-604.
The aim of this case study is to illustrate how prescribing decisions can be enhanced through the use of systematic consultation, reflection on practice and relevant informati...

Consultation on draft proposals for a Mental Health (Scotland) Bill

Journal Article
Stavert, J. (2014)
Consultation on draft proposals for a Mental Health (Scotland) Bill. Mental Capacity Law Newsletter, 45,

Scottish Government consultation on proposals to reform Fatal Accident Inquiries legislation.

Journal Article
Stavert, J. (2014)
Scottish Government consultation on proposals to reform Fatal Accident Inquiries legislation. Mental Capacity Law Newsletter, 50,

The Patient Centred Assessment Method for improving nurse-led biopsychosocial assessment of patients with long-term conditions: a feasibility RCT

Journal Article
Maxwell, M., Hibberd, C., Aitchison, P., Calveley, E., Pratt, R., Dougall, N., …Cameron, I. (2018)
The Patient Centred Assessment Method for improving nurse-led biopsychosocial assessment of patients with long-term conditions: a feasibility RCT. Health Services and Delivery Research, 6(4), 1-120.
Background Annual reviews of people living with long-term conditions (LTCs) are mostly conducted by practice nurses (PNs), who focus on the physical needs of patients. The bro...