8 results

CSP for .NET based on JCSP

Conference Proceeding
Chalmers, K., & Clayton, S. (2006)
CSP for .NET based on JCSP. In P. Welch, J. Kerridge, & F. R. M. Barnes (Eds.), Communicating Process Architectures 2006 - WoTug 29, 59-76
We present a CSP framework developed for the .NET platform, building upon the ideas developed for the JCSP library. Discussing the development of the core functionality and th...

Investigation of visual aspects of developmental dyslexia in children

Journal Article
Piotrowska, B., Murray, J., Willis, A., & Kerridge, J. (2017)
Investigation of visual aspects of developmental dyslexia in children. Journal of Vision, 17(10), 640. https://doi.org/10.1167/17.10.640
Developmental dyslexia is a disorder characterised by difficulties with reading, despite adequate intelligence and education. Phonological deficits are often indicated as the ...

Communicating Connected Components: Extending Plug-and-Play to Support Skeletons

Conference Proceeding
Chalmers, K., Kerridge, J., & Pedersen, J. B. (2017)
Communicating Connected Components: Extending Plug-and-Play to Support Skeletons. In Communicating Process Architectures 2016
For a number of years, the Communicating Process Architecture (CPA) community have developed languages and runtimes supporting message passing concurrency. For these we always...

Best practice for implementing a data warehouse: a review for strategic alignment.

Conference Proceeding
Weir, R., Peng, T., & Kerridge, J. (2003)
Best practice for implementing a data warehouse: a review for strategic alignment. In Design and Management of Data Warehouses 2003: Proceedings of the 5th Intl. Workshop DMDW'2003, Berlin, Germany, September 8, 2003
A review of literature pertaining to data warehouse implementations over the last eight years has been undertaken. It was found that the views of data warehouse practitioners ...

Performance on a tablet-based visual-spatial-motor task is compromised in adults and children with dyslexia: implications for the development of a novel screening tool

Presentation / Conference
Willis, A., Piotrowska, B., Bannach-Brown, A., MacLean, R. D. J., & Kerridge, J. (2014, March)
Performance on a tablet-based visual-spatial-motor task is compromised in adults and children with dyslexia: implications for the development of a novel screening tool
Many adults and children with dyslexia also have problems with lower-level sensory, attentional, or motor tasks. In particular, there may be problems with auditory processing1...

JCSP.mobile: a package enabling mobile processes and channels.

Conference Proceeding
Chalmers, K., & Kerridge, J. (2004)
JCSP.mobile: a package enabling mobile processes and channels. In J. F. Broenink, H. Roebbers, J. Sunter, P. Welch, & D. Wood (Eds.), Communicating Process Architectures 2005, 109-127
The JCSPNet package from Quickstone provides the capability of transparently creating a network of processes that run across a TCP/IP network. The package also contains mecha...

Mobility in JCSP: new mobile channel and mobile process models.

Conference Proceeding
Chalmers, K., Kerridge, J., & Romdhani, I. (2007)
Mobility in JCSP: new mobile channel and mobile process models. In A. McEwan, S. Schneider, W. Ifill, & P. Welch (Eds.), Communicating Process Architectures 2007, 163-182
The original package developed for network mobility in JCSP, although useful, revealed some limitations in the underlying models permitting code mobility and channel migration...

A generative and component based approach to reuse in database applications.

Conference Proceeding
Wang, B. H. (., Liu, X., & Kerridge, J. (2002)
A generative and component based approach to reuse in database applications. In 5th Generative Programming and Component Engineering Young Researcher Workshop
The development of database application systems will benefit from high reusability because similar design circumstances recur frequently in database developments. However, res...