4 results

People with severe problematic personality traits and offending histories: What influences occupational participation?

Journal Article
Connell, C., McKay, E. A., Furtado, V., & Singh, S. P. (2019)
People with severe problematic personality traits and offending histories: What influences occupational participation?. European Psychiatry, 60, 14-19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2019.05.002
Background: Occupational participation is important for personality disordered offenders (PDOs) because it is integral to health and desistance from offending. What influences...

Suicide Risk Assessment in the Emergency Department: An Investigation of Current Practice in Scotland

Journal Article
McClatchey, K., Murray, J., Chouliara, Z., Rowat, A., & Hauge, S. R. (2019)
Suicide Risk Assessment in the Emergency Department: An Investigation of Current Practice in Scotland. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 73(4), https://doi.org/10.1111/ijcp.13342
Background Suicide is a global public health issue. Approximately one third of individuals who complete suicide have attended an emergency department in the year preceding the...

"It's Just the Abuse that Needs to Stop": Professional Framing of Sibling Relationships in a Grounded Theory Study of Social Worker Decision Making Following Sibling Sexual Behavior

Journal Article
Yates, P. (2019)
"It's Just the Abuse that Needs to Stop": Professional Framing of Sibling Relationships in a Grounded Theory Study of Social Worker Decision Making Following Sibling Sexual Behavior. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 29(2), https://doi.org/10.1080/10538712.2019.1692399
Sibling abuse is a global problem, arguably the most prevalent form of family violence, and as harmful as other familial abuse. There is evidence internationally that sibling ...

Is the definition of task-irrelevant contextual information black and white?

Journal Article
Curley, L. J., Munro, J., Lages, M., MacLean, R., & Murray, J. (2020)
Is the definition of task-irrelevant contextual information black and white?. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 65(2), 668-670. https://doi.org/10.1111/1556-4029.14273
Author's response to "Commentary on: Curley LJ, Munro J, Lages M, MacLean R, Murray J. Assessing cognitive bias in forensic decisions: a review and outlook. J Forensic Sci doi...