18 results

Universities and social progress in modernising societies: how educational expansion has replaced socialism as an instrument of political reform

Journal Article
Charlton, B. G., & Andras, P. (2005)
Universities and social progress in modernising societies: how educational expansion has replaced socialism as an instrument of political reform. Critical Quarterly, 47(1-2), 30-39. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0011-1562.2005.00612.x
University and higher education comprising a multi-disciplinary training in abstract, systematic reasoning has a vital role in modernizing societies. Such an education seems t...

A Mixed Approach for Aggressive Political Discourse Analysis on Twitter

Journal Article
Torregrosa, J., D’Antonio-Maceiras, S., Villar-Rodríguez, G., Hussain, A., Cambria, E., & Camacho, D. (in press)
A Mixed Approach for Aggressive Political Discourse Analysis on Twitter. Cognitive Computation, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12559-022-10048-w
Political tensions have grown throughout Europe since the beginning of the new century. The consecutive crises led to the rise of different social movements in several countri...

Composition of Games as a Model for the Evolution of Social Institutions

Conference Proceeding
Andras, P. (2020)
Composition of Games as a Model for the Evolution of Social Institutions. In Artificial Life Conference Proceedings (171-179). https://doi.org/10.1162/isal_a_00264
The evolution of social institutions (e.g. institutions of political decision making or joint resource administration) is an important question in the context of understanding...

Developing cyber peacekeeping: Observation, monitoring and reporting

Journal Article
Robinson, M., Jones, K., Janicke, H., & Maglaras, L. (2019)
Developing cyber peacekeeping: Observation, monitoring and reporting. Government Information Quarterly, 36(2), 276-293. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.giq.2018.12.001
Cyberphysical societies are becoming reliant upon the cyber domain for everyday life. With cyber warfare increasingly becoming part of future conflicts, new and novel solution...

An information literacy lens on community representation for participatory budgeting in Brazil

Journal Article
Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2023)
An information literacy lens on community representation for participatory budgeting in Brazil. Journal of Information Literacy, 17(2), 46-68. https://doi.org/10.11645/17.2.5
This paper presents an evaluation of the information literacies used by community representatives when engaging with participatory budgeting in São Paulo City, Brazil. Using q...

Four levers of reciprocity across human societies: concepts, analysis and predictions

Journal Article
Lehmann, L., Powers, S. T., & van Schaik, C. P. (2022)
Four levers of reciprocity across human societies: concepts, analysis and predictions. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 4, Article e11. https://doi.org/10.1017/ehs.2022.7
This paper surveys five human societal types – mobile foragers, horticulturalists, pre-state agriculturalists, state-based agriculturalists and liberal democracies – from the ...

Artificial intelligence-enabled social media analysis for pharmacovigilance of COVID-19 vaccinations in the United Kingdom: Observational Study

Journal Article
Hussain, Z., Sheikh, Z., Tahir, A., Dashtipour, K., Gogate, M., Sheikh, A., & Hussain, A. (2022)
Artificial intelligence-enabled social media analysis for pharmacovigilance of COVID-19 vaccinations in the United Kingdom: Observational Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 8(5), Article e32543. https://doi.org/10.2196/32543
Background: The roll-out of vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 in the United Kingdom, started in December 2020. Uptake has been high, and there has been a subsequent reduction in infecti...

Modernizing UK health services:‘short-sharp-shock’reform, the NHS subsistence economy, and the spectre of health care famine

Journal Article
Charlton, B. G., & Andras, P. (2005)
Modernizing UK health services:‘short-sharp-shock’reform, the NHS subsistence economy, and the spectre of health care famine. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 11(2), 111-119. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2753.2005.00515.x
Modernization is the trend for societies to grow functionally more complex, efficient and productive. Modernization usually occurs by increased specialization of function (e.g...

Practices and educational affordances of sound in the postcolonial Hong Kong protests

Journal Article
Cheng, L., & McGregor, I. (in press)
Practices and educational affordances of sound in the postcolonial Hong Kong protests. Contemporary Music Review,
Sound has been theorised for its functional role as informative agent in political advocacy and participation in political studies, yet the investigation on the pedagogical po...

Auditing as a tool of public policy: the misuse of quality assurance techniques in the UK university expansion

Journal Article
Charlton, B. G., & Andras, P. (2002)
Auditing as a tool of public policy: the misuse of quality assurance techniques in the UK university expansion. European Political Science, 2, 24-35. https://doi.org/10.1057/eps.2002.42
6 results

e-Petitioner for English Local Authorities

2004 - 2005
The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister’s Local eDemocracy National Project (March 2004 to March 2005) investigated new channels of participation and piloted various approaches to encourage citizen pa...
Funder: Bristol City Council | Value: £42,000

EDEN: Electronic Democracy European Network

2001 - 2004
The EDEN project grew out of the rationale that online information on decision-making leads to greater transparency in governance, as a pre-requisite for online consultation and participation. EDEN ...
Funder: EU Framework Programme 7 and FP6 and earlier programmes | Value: £67,000

PROGRESS: Pricing road use for greater responsibility, efficiency and sustainability in cities

2000 - 2004
The overall objective of PROGRESS is 'to demonstrate and evaluate the effectiveness and acceptance of integrated urban transport pricing schemes to achieve transport goals and raise revenue.' The obj...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £419,282

Sustainable Urban Regeneration (SURegen)

2007 - 2012
The overall aim of the SURegen consortium is to undertake research to develop a prototype Regeneration Simulator Workbench (RSW) that meets the decision-making challenges that Sustainable Urban Regene...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £250,547

Expert Evaluation Team for the Local eDemocracy National Project

2003 - 2005
How can Local Authorities be sure that eDemocracy works? How can they be sure that they are using the right e-enabled tool for the job and that the use of these tools will result in effective input to...
Funder: Bristol City Council | Value: £40,000

Power, Information, Opinion: Walter Lippmann in the Post-Industrial Era

2011 - 2012
Dr Alistair Duff visited the Lippmann Papers (Walter Lippman’s personal archives and associated materials) at Yale University in autumn 2011. Walter Lippmann (1889-1974), although not enjoying a cur...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £1,350