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51 results

Perceived benefits of and barriers to Building Information Modelling (BIM) implementation in construction: The case of Hong Kong

Journal Article
Chan, D. W., Olawumi, T., & Ho, A. M. (2019)
Perceived benefits of and barriers to Building Information Modelling (BIM) implementation in construction: The case of Hong Kong. Journal of Building Engineering, 25, Article 100764.
BIM has experienced an increasing appeal in its adoption and implementation in the built environment worldwide in recent years. The current research study aims to identify and...

Barriers to circular economy adoption and concomitant implementation strategies in building construction and demolition waste management: A PRISMA and interpretive structural modeling approach

Journal Article
Oluleye, B. I., Chan, D. W., & Olawumi, T. O. (2022)
Barriers to circular economy adoption and concomitant implementation strategies in building construction and demolition waste management: A PRISMA and interpretive structural modeling approach. Habitat International, 126(August), 102615.
Waste generated by building construction and demolition (BCD) activities contributes to the major proportion of urban solid waste. A large amount of the waste is still sent to...

Perceived barriers to implementing building information modeling in Iranian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs): a Delphi survey of construction experts

Journal Article
Sarvari, H., Asaadsamani, P., Olawumi, T. O., Chan, D. W., Rashidi, A., & Beer, M. (in press)
Perceived barriers to implementing building information modeling in Iranian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs): a Delphi survey of construction experts. Architectural Engineering and Design Management,
Building information modeling (BIM) is a disruptive information technology tool in the construction sector. Although this technology had a significant impact on the manufactur...

Assessment of symmetries and asymmetries on barriers to circular economy adoption in the construction industry towards zero waste: A survey of international experts

Journal Article
Oluleye, B. I., Chan, D. W., Olawumi, T. O., & Saka, A. B. (2023)
Assessment of symmetries and asymmetries on barriers to circular economy adoption in the construction industry towards zero waste: A survey of international experts. Building and Environment, 228, Article 109885.
This study evaluates simultaneously the symmetries and asymmetries on the classification of barriers to circular economy (CE) adoption in the building construction industry (B...

Sustainable Building Renovation in Residential Buildings: Barriers and Potential Motivations in Norwegian Culture

Journal Article
Jowkar, M., Temeljotov-Salajb, A., Margaret Lindkvist, C., & Støre-Valen, M. (2022)
Sustainable Building Renovation in Residential Buildings: Barriers and Potential Motivations in Norwegian Culture. Construction Management and Economics, 40(3), 161-172.
Retrofit of existing housing increases the possibility of meeting Sustainable Development Goals. Improving quality of life, minimising energy consumption and increasing produc...

Comparative analysis of the barriers to smart sustainable practices adoption in the construction industry between Hong Kong and Nigeria

Journal Article
Chan, D. W., Olawumi, T. O., Saka, A. B., & Ekundayo, D. (in press)
Comparative analysis of the barriers to smart sustainable practices adoption in the construction industry between Hong Kong and Nigeria. International journal of construction management,
The deployment of digital systems has facilitated process improvement in building construction, including for green practices implementation. However, it has encountered sever...

Compounding barriers to fairness in the digital technology ecosystem

Conference Proceeding
Woolley, S. I., Collins, T., Andras, P., Gardner, A., Ortolani, M., & Pitt, J. (2021)
Compounding barriers to fairness in the digital technology ecosystem. In 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS).
A growing sense of unfairness permeates our quasi-digital society. Despite drivers supporting and motivating ethical practice in the digital technology ecosystem, there are co...

Barriers to the Integration of BIM and Sustainability Practices in Construction Projects: A Delphi Survey of International Experts

Journal Article
Olawumi, T. O., Chan, D. W., Wong, J. K., & Chan, A. P. (2018)
Barriers to the Integration of BIM and Sustainability Practices in Construction Projects: A Delphi Survey of International Experts. Journal of Building Engineering, 20, 60-71.
The built environment faces numerous challenges in its quest to be more productive and sustainable, and to the adoption of a smart and creative process of carrying out the var...

Seismic barriers filled with solid elastic and granular materials: Comparative analysis

Journal Article
Bratov, V., Kuznetsov, S., & Morozov, N. (2022)
Seismic barriers filled with solid elastic and granular materials: Comparative analysis. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 27(9), 1761-1770.
A comparative study of the vertical seismic barriers intended for protecting from Rayleigh seismic waves and filled with (1) homogeneous linearly elastic materials and (2) gra...

Disparities in work-integrated learning experiences for students who present as women: an international study of biases, barriers, and challenges

Journal Article
Bowen, T., Drysdale, M. T., Callaghan, S., Smith, S., Johansson, K., Smith, C., …Berg, T. (2024)
Disparities in work-integrated learning experiences for students who present as women: an international study of biases, barriers, and challenges. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, 14(2), 313-328.
Purpose This study identifies gendered disparities among women students participating in work-integrated learning and explores the effects of the disparities on their percepti...
11 results

Information literacy and society: a comprehensive review

2023 - 2023
This project will bring out how people learn to understand why and how they need information, and how they gather, process and use information, by reviewing research from 2005 to the present. The word...
Funder: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals | Value: £9,990

Building Standards - Research

2021 - 2022
The aim of the study is to investigate and assess the potential of remote verification inspection (RVI) techniques – specifically ‘live video feed’ - to satisfy reasonable enquiries in line with the r...
Funder: Built Environment - Smarter Transformation (formerly CSIC) | Value: £27,966


2011 - 2013
ORIGAMI is concerned with improvements in long-distance door-to-door passenger transport chains through improved co-modality and intermodality. The project addresses the potential for greater efficien...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £506,454


2016 - 2019
The objectives of this project are as follows. The project will: 1. Produce a culture shift in terms of environment for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) in member states and in the organisatio...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £254,160

Citizen Bank

2015 - 2015
Citizen Bank is looking to work with the University to explore the potential of using technology as a mechanism to aid in community participation. This collaboration seeks to explore the technical req...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

AVANTI: Added Value Access to New Technologies and services on the Internet

2003 - 2003
AVANTI was an EC funded project (IST-2000-28585) that finished in July 2003. It focused on the use of a software toolkit to produce prototype digital avatars. These aimed to enhance the acceptabili...
Funder: EU Framework Programme 7 and FP6 and earlier programmes | Value: £37,000

Analysis Of Industry Mobility Barriers

2004 - 2005
Value: £4,000

Hyperlocal engagement

2014 - 2014
A Community of Practice was found supporting the digital engagement practitioners in the neighbouring CCs, and that this is situated within a context of interested non-practitioners who share knowledg...
Funder: Communities and Culture Network + (Hosted by University of Leeds) | Value: £3,160

TSB Rural Transport - Improved information sharing for the more intelligent use of Demand Responsive Transport: A UK Booking Portal

2009 - 2011
This project considers the role played by planning systems in the delivery of rural public transport. The project develops with industrial partners, a portal available to Demand Responsive Transport (...
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £51,591

Makar - Dowel-Laminated Timber (DLT) Research Proposal

2014 - 2015
The project will result in the use and application of an innovative low carbon timber construction technology. The project will demonstrate the products carbon benefits, overcome the technical barrie...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £28,984