7 results

Design Considerations of Voice Articulated Generative AI Virtual Reality Dance Environments

Conference Proceeding
Casas, L., Mitchell, K., Tamariz, M., Hannah, S., Sinclair, D., Koniaris, B., & Kennedy, J. (in press)
Design Considerations of Voice Articulated Generative AI Virtual Reality Dance Environments.
We consider practical and social considerations of collaborating verbally with colleagues and friends, not confined by physical distance, but through seamless networked telepr...

Developing Visualisations to Enhance an Insider Threat Product: A Case Study

Conference Proceeding
Graham, M., Kukla, R., Mandrychenko, O., Hart, D., & Kennedy, J. (2021)
Developing Visualisations to Enhance an Insider Threat Product: A Case Study. In 2021 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec) (47-57). https://doi.org/10.1109/VizSec53666.2021.00011
This paper describes the process of developing data visualisations to enhance a commercial software platform for combating insider threat, whose existing UI, while perfectly f...

Vesper: Visualising species archives

Journal Article
Graham, M., & Kennedy, J. (2014)
Vesper: Visualising species archives. Ecological Informatics, 24, 132-147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2014.08.004
Vesper (Visual Exploration of SPEcies-referenced Repositories) is a tool that visualises Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A) datasets, and is aimed at reducing the amount of time and ...

Time-series Explorer: An Animated Information Visualisation for Microarray Time-course Data

Journal Article
Craig, P., Kennedy, J., & Cumming, A. (2005)
Time-series Explorer: An Animated Information Visualisation for Microarray Time-course Data. BMC Bioinformatics, 6(Suppl 3), P8. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-6-S3-P8
Microarray technologies are a relatively new development that allow biologists to monitor the activity of thousands of genes (normally around 8,000) in parallel across multipl...

The Prometheus taxonomic database

Conference Proceeding
Raguenaud, C., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. (2000)
The Prometheus taxonomic database. In Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Bio-Informatics and Biomedical Engineering (63-70). https://doi.org/10.1109/bibe.2000.889590
M.R. Pullen et al. (2000) have designed a new model of plant taxonomy (called Prometheus); it supports multiple overlapping classifications, and distinguishes the process of n...

A Database System for Supporting Taxonomic Work

Conference Proceeding
Raguenaud, C., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (1999)
A Database System for Supporting Taxonomic Work.
Taxonomists classify organisms in order to refer to, identify and understand them. Over time, the same organism may be classified according to different taxonomic opinions. As...

bclasses: A construct and method for modelling co-operative object behaviour

Journal Article
Marshall, B. R., Kennedy, J. B., & Barclay, P. J. (1997)
bclasses: A construct and method for modelling co-operative object behaviour. Information and Software Technology, 39(5), 351-361. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0950-5849%2896%2901151-2
Current object-oriented (OO) modelling techniques emphasise the static aspects of data objects. Dynamics in general and collaborations between objects in particular tend to be...
27 results

GamesAnalytics Ltd Innovation Voucher

2011 - 2011
Prototype statistical models and visualisations were developed to determine the feasibility of the approach. These will be developed further to address the massive sized data sets invovled.
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Ed Physio

2011 - 2011
A prototype was successfully developed showing proof of concept of the idea. See the Case study for more details.
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000


2010 - 2010
This project evaluated the potential of several Free Open Source Software packages for the purpose of creating a bespoke GIS for use by geologists.  It was conducted in collaboration with GeoloGIS Ltd...
Funder: EDTC | Value: £5,000

Data Discoveries Innovation

2010 - 2010
This project was investigating the feasibility of providing interactive visualisation tools for exploring statistical information on data cleansing.
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000


2010 - 2012
The implementation of a software tool for analysing large and complex pedigree genotype datasets (thousands of individuals genotyped for thousands of markers). The tool will combine genetic inference ...
Funder: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council | Value: £79,655

Environment exchange KTP

2010 - 2012
The Environment Exchange (t2e) provides a trading environment for companies that have exceeded their packaging waste recovery obligations to sell their excess of certificated activity to organisations...
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £131,675

ExtraMed Innovation

2010 - 2010
The work proposed is to scope out initial requirements for the submission of a SMART award application to develop a Digital Dashboard for use in the NHS to meet these needs. The work will involve back...
Funder: Scottish Enterprise | Value: £5,000

MATSE: Information Visualisation of Microarray Time-course Data

2007 - 2009
Microarray Time-series Explorer (MaTSE) is a software application developed to improve the analysis of microarray data by allowing the user to explore their data using a unique visual interface.  Thro...
Funder: Scottish Enterprise | Value: £176,630

TaxVis: Visualisation Tools for Integrating Large Alternative Linnaean Taxonomies

2006 - 2008
The TaxViz project is developing visualisation techniques for comparing multiple taxonomic hierarchies. Biological taxonomy involves the classification and naming of plants, animals and all the oth...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £139,572

TDWG Core Ontology

2006 - 2006
This project aims to progress the development of Taxonomic Concept schema (TCS) in line with Taxonomic Database Working gorup (TDWG) architecture and documentation. This work is to ensure that: Best ...
Funder: Taxonomic Databases Working Group ( Biodiversity Information Standards ) | Value: £63,750