Mental models, magical thinking and individual differences.
Journal Article
Turner, P. & Sobolewska, E. (2009)
Mental models, magical thinking and individual differences. Human technology an interdisciplinary journal on humans in ICT environments. 5, 90-113. ISSN 1795-6889
Broadly, there are two mutually exclusive accounts of how people (non-specialist users) reason about and conceptualize interactive technology. The first is based on classical ...
Representations in Human-Computer Systems development.
Journal Article
Benyon, D. (2002)
Representations in Human-Computer Systems development. Cognition, Technology and Work, 4, 180-196.
When system developers design a computer system (or other information artefact), they must inevitably make judgements as to how to abstract the domain and how to represent thi...
Describing team work with activity theory.
Journal Article
Turner, S. & Turner, P. (2001)
Describing team work with activity theory. Cognition, Technology and Work. 3, 127-139. doi:10.1007/PL00011528. ISSN 1435-5558
The proposal that activity theory might serve as a model or theory for computer-supported cooperative working remains an open question. Here we demonstrate the usefulness of a...