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107 results

Achieving seamless component composition through scenario-based deep adaptation and generation.

Journal Article
Liu, X., Wang, B. H. (. & Kerridge, J. (2005)
Achieving seamless component composition through scenario-based deep adaptation and generation. Science of Computer Programming. 56, 157-170. doi:10.1016/j.scico.2004.11.010. ISSN 0167-6423
Mismatches between pre-qualified existing components and the particular reuse context in applications have been a major factor hindering component reusability and successful c...

Facilitating reuse in database applications with scenario-based component adaptation and generation

Conference Proceeding
Wang, B., Liu, X., & Kerridge, J. (2002)
Facilitating reuse in database applications with scenario-based component adaptation and generation. In Proceedings Fifth IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, 527-534. doi:10.1109/iri.2003.1251461
The development of database application systems will beneft from high reusabiliiy because similar design circumstances recur frequently in database developments. However, rese...

A generative and component based approach to reuse in database applications.

Conference Proceeding
Wang, B. H. (., Liu, X., & Kerridge, J. (2002)
A generative and component based approach to reuse in database applications. In 5th Generative Programming and Component Engineering Young Researcher Workshop
The development of database application systems will benefit from high reusability because similar design circumstances recur frequently in database developments. However, res...

Abstraction: a key notation for reverse engineering in a system re-engineering approach.

Journal Article
Yang, H., Liu, X. & Zedan, H. (1999)
Abstraction: a key notation for reverse engineering in a system re-engineering approach. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. 12, 197-228. doi:10.1002/1096-908X(200007/08)12:43.0.CO;2-X. ISSN 2047-7481
This paper advocates that extracting formal specification semantically consistent to the original legacy system will facilitate further redesign and forward engineering greatl...

A refinement calculus for the development of real-time systems.

Conference Proceeding
Chen, Z., Cau, A., Zedan, H., Liu, X., & Yang, H. (1998)
A refinement calculus for the development of real-time systems. In 5th Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC '98, 61.
We present a calculus which can transfer specifications to objects for the development of real-time systems. The object model is based on a practical OO development technique—...

Formal methods for the re-engineering of computing systems.

Conference Proceeding
Liu, X., Yang, H., & Zedan, H. (1997)
Formal methods for the re-engineering of computing systems. In COMPSAC '97-21st International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 409-414.
This paper presents a short review of formal methods and their use in the re-engineering of computing systems. Five classes of formal notations and theories, namely state/mode...

Improving maintenance through development experiences.

Conference Proceeding
Liu, X., Yang, H. & Zedan, H. (1997)
Improving maintenance through development experiences. In WESS '98 - Workshop on Empirical Studies in Software Maintenance, 1-5
An empirical comparison is made between present approaches/tools of software maintenance and development. The conclusion is that development technology is more mature in many ...