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38 results

Modelling of integrated trust, governance and access Information Sharing Architecture.

Conference Proceeding
Buchanan, W. J., Uthmani, O., Fan, L., Burns, N., Lo, O., Lawson, A., …Anderson, C. (2013)
Modelling of integrated trust, governance and access Information Sharing Architecture. In M. Felici (Ed.), Cyber Security and Privacy, (91-101).
We live in a world where trust relationships are becoming ever more important. This paper outlines how an architecture which abstracts these relationships between domains, org...

Information sharing.

Buchanan, W. J., Fan, L., Uthmani, O. & Lawson, A. (2013)
Information sharing. The present disclosure relates to improved information sharing and in particular to formal representations of information sharing p...

Interagency data exchange, privacy protection and governance architecture for Information sharing across domains

Working Paper
Buchanan, W. J., Fan, L., Uthmani, O., & Schafer, B. Interagency data exchange, privacy protection and governance architecture for Information sharing across domains

Buchanan, W. J., Fan, L., Uthmani, O., & Schafer, B. Interagency data exchange, privacy protection and governance architecture for Information sharing across domains
This paper discusses privacy enhancing technologies in the field of inter-agency data sharing, a key government objective for efficient public service delivery. We analyse the...

A scaleable and trusted e-Health eco-system:

Presentation / Conference
Buchanan, W. J., Burns, N., Lo, O., Lewis, R., Uthmani, O., & Fan, L. (2013, April)
A scaleable and trusted e-Health eco-system: Paper presented at Cyber Security and Privacy EU Forum 2013, European Commission, Brussels
At present most health and social care systems do not have extendable trust and governance. This presentation outlines the architecture which uses three main component...

Conducting Performance Evaluation of an e-Health Platform

Lo, O., Fan, L., Buchanan, W. J., & Thuemmler, C. (2012)
Conducting Performance Evaluation of an e-Health Platform. In T. Issa, P. Isaías, & P. Kommers (Eds.), Advances in Business Information Systems and Analytics; Information Systems and Technology for Organizations in a Networked Society, 295-315. IGI Global Publishing. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-4062-7.ch016
For increased awareness and adoption of e-Health implementations, results from evaluation must be catered towards three primary perspectives: organizational, end-user and tech...

Novel tracking of rogue network packets using danger theory approach

Journal Article
Uwagbole, S., Buchanan, W. J., & Fan, L. (2012)
Novel tracking of rogue network packets using danger theory approach. Proceedings of the ... international conference on information warfare and security, 277-286
Recently there has been heightened, continuous, and intrusive activity by remotely located rogue hacking groups, such as Anonymous and Lulzsec. These groups often aim to disru...

Technical evaluation of an e-health platform.

Conference Proceeding
Lo, O., Fan, L., Buchanan, W. J., & Thuemmler, C. (2012)
Technical evaluation of an e-health platform. In M. Macedo (Ed.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Health 2012
Methodologies for evaluation of e-Health platforms are still lacking. We propose an e-Health evaluation framework that aims to provide a concise methodology for the evaluation...

E-Health: chances and challenges of distributed, service oriented architectures

Journal Article
Thuemmler, C., Fan, L., Buchanan, W. J., Lo, O., Ekonomou, E., & Khedim, A. S. (2012)
E-Health: chances and challenges of distributed, service oriented architectures. Journal of cyber security and mobility, 37,
Societies are undergoing unprecedented demographic and socio-economical changes on a pace that has never been experienced before. Health care models are in transition to remai...

A novel Information sharing model using binary decision diagrams for redundancy, shadowing, generalisation and correlation.

Working Paper
Uthmani, O., Buchanan, W. J., Fan, L. & Lawson, A. (2012)
A novel Information sharing model using binary decision diagrams for redundancy, shadowing, generalisation and correlation
This paper outlines a novel information sharing method using Binary Decision Diagrams (BBDs). It is inspired by the work of Al-Shaer and Hamed, who applied BDDs into the model...

Evaluation of binary decision diagrams for redundancy, shadowing, generalisation and correlation in an Information sharing model.

Working Paper
Uthmani, O., Buchanan, W. J., Fan, L. & Lawson, A. (2012)
Evaluation of binary decision diagrams for redundancy, shadowing, generalisation and correlation in an Information sharing model
This paper defines a structured methodology which is based on the foundational work of Al-Shaer et al. in [1] and that of Hamed and Al-Shaer in [2]. It defines a methodology f...
7 results

Data mining for the energy market

2015 - 2015
We have identified the need for a more coherent and closer monitoring of system load and requirements in terms of power consumption within datacentres. This project will develop a prototype applicat...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

ILI TRUSTLii Personal Data Security

2014 - 2015
This project aims to enhance ILI's existing TRUSTLii system by using novel and unique methods to extract useful insights from personal data, as well as improving the security of personal data stores t...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000


2014 - 2014
This project aims to develop a globalisation framework for Anarkik 3D’s haptic (virtual touch) modelling user interface, so as to expand the market for Anarkik3D’s software, particularly into educatio...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000


2012 - 2013
This project has resulted in a spin-out company which was incorporated on 17 January 2014. It has also generated a patent related to BDDs (Binary decision Diagrams).
Funder: Scottish Enterprise | Value: £320,000

Flexiant Ltd, Innovation voucher

2011 - 2012
This research project studies the feasibility of a Cloud-based platform which is used to evaluate the performance of digital forensics tools. Along with measuring key quality metrics, such as true-pos...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Scalable and Open Framework for Human/Digital Trust between Informal/Formal Personal Health Care Infrastructures

2011 - 2013
This project extends the e-Health Cloud-based Platform, and integrates with assisted living. The project integrates Edinburgh Napier University, Microsoft and HoIP, and has created a novel governance ...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £243,325

Data Capture and Auto Identification Reference

2009 - 2011
This project relates to the research collaboration between Edinburgh Napier University, CipherLab, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, GS1 UK, Imperial College, and Kodit, and is funded through a resear...
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £227,172

