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215 results

Becoming a User? Science & Technology Studies (STS) and the Design/Use of Digital Synthesizer/Sampling Instruments

Presentation / Conference
Harkins, P. (2018, June)
Becoming a User? Science & Technology Studies (STS) and the Design/Use of Digital Synthesizer/Sampling Instruments. Presented at Workshop on Objects of Electronic Sound & Music in Museums
This provocation will give an overview of a research project about the historical and contemporary uses of digital synthesizer/sampling instruments. One of the problems I face...

An autoethnography of Scottish hip-hop: identity, locality, outsiderdom and social commentary.

Hook, D. An autoethnography of Scottish hip-hop: identity, locality, outsiderdom and social commentary. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
The published works that form the basis of this PhD are a selection of hip-hop songs written over a period of six years between 2010 and 2015. The lyrics for these pieces are ...


Moir, Z. (2018)
IDDM. Online Publication
For solo saxophone and tape.

Recording Across Town and The Ocean.

Presentation / Conference
Ferguson, P., Moir, Z., & Bennett, J. (2018, April)
Recording Across Town and The Ocean. Paper presented at Network Performing Arts Production Workshop, Miami, USA
No abstract available.

Experiences of Remote, Real-Time Music Production.

Presentation / Conference
Moir, Z., Ferguson, P., & Smith, G. D. (2018, April)
Experiences of Remote, Real-Time Music Production. Paper presented at NowNet Arts: Artistic and Technological Strategies for Public and Private Networks, New York
No abstract available.

Your Feedback is Important to Us.

Exhibition / Performance
Moir, Z. Your Feedback is Important to Us. Performed at Edinburgh International Science Festival. 14 April 2018 - 14 June 2018. (Unpublished)

Moir, Z. Your Feedback is Important to Us. Performed at Edinburgh International Science Festival. 14 April 2018 - 14 June 2018. (Unpublished
Interactive, generative sound art installation.

How Does This Work Then?

Moir, Z. (2018)
How Does This Work Then?. []. Online Publication
Composition for solo cello.

Can You Hear What I Feel?

Presentation / Conference
Moir, Z. (2017, December)
Can You Hear What I Feel?. Paper presented at Art of Record Production
No abstract available.


Exhibition / Performance
Moir, Z. IDDM. Performed at Royal College of Music, Stockholm. 1 December 2017. (Unpublished)

Moir, Z. IDDM. Performed at Royal College of Music, Stockholm. 1 December 2017. (Unpublished
No abstract available.

University of Edinburgh Reid Hall Concert Series

Exhibition / Performance
Ashton, N. University of Edinburgh Reid Hall Concert Series. Performed at Reid Concert Hall, University of Edinburgh. 21 November 2017 - 22 November 2017. (Unpublished)

Ashton, N. University of Edinburgh Reid Hall Concert Series. Performed at Reid Concert Hall, University of Edinburgh. 21 November 2017 - 22 November 2017. (Unpublished
Piano Recital, Nicholas Ashton, Programme: Mendelssohn Gondolierlied op 19 no 6 Liszt Nuages gris Debussy Snow is dancing Debussy Des pas sur la neige Ligeti arc-en-ciel Ber...