29 results

Chatting in the face of the eyewitness: the impact of extraneous cell-phone conversation on memory for a perpetrator

Journal Article
Marsh, J. E., Patel, K., Labonté, K., Battersby, K. L., Frowd, C. D., Ball, L. J., …Vachon, F. (2017)
Chatting in the face of the eyewitness: the impact of extraneous cell-phone conversation on memory for a perpetrator. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(3), 183-190. https://doi.org/10.1037/cep0000101
Cell-phone conversation is ubiquitous within public spaces. The current study investigates whether ignored cell-phone conversation impairs eyewitness memory for a perpetrator....

Facial Composites: Aligning Interview Techniques and Construction Procedures using PROfit

Presentation / Conference
Skelton, F. (2017, June)
Facial Composites: Aligning Interview Techniques and Construction Procedures using PROfit. Paper presented at Bridging the Gap: Applied Face Recognition, Stirling, UK

Creativity and Attention: A Multi-Method Investigation

Carruthers, L. Creativity and Attention: A Multi-Method Investigation. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/1052411
Creativity is a valuable attribute that involves the generation of original ideas; attention is a vital function that facilitates information selection. Past research has rela...

The impact of auditory face descriptions on recognition of own- and other-race faces

Presentation / Conference
Skelton, F., Marsh, J., Frowd, C., & Crawford, J. (2016, July)
The impact of auditory face descriptions on recognition of own- and other-race faces. Paper presented at European Association of Psychology and Law annual conference, University of Toulouse

The effects of a recalled injustice on the experience of experimentally induced pain and anxiety in relation to just-world beliefs

Journal Article
McParland, J., Knussen, C., & Murray, J. (2016)
The effects of a recalled injustice on the experience of experimentally induced pain and anxiety in relation to just-world beliefs. European Journal of Pain, 20(9), 1392-1401. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejp.862
Background: A growing field of investigation into social justice cognitions and pain suggests perceived injustice has a negative impact on pain, but little is known about indi...

The impact of morphing on own- and other-race facial composites

Presentation / Conference
Skelton, F., Forwd, C., Walkden, S., & Bowling, J. (2015, August)
The impact of morphing on own- and other-race facial composites. Paper presented at European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), University of Nuremberg

The impact of changing state speech on person identification

Presentation / Conference
Skelton, F., Marsh, J., Frowd, C., Vachon, F., & Thorley, R. (2014, September)
The impact of changing state speech on person identification. Paper presented at British Psychological Society Cognitive Section annual conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham

In the face of distraction: the impact of changing-state speech on person identification

Presentation / Conference
Skelton, F., Marsh, J., Frowd, C., Vachon, F., & Howell, D. (2014, April)
In the face of distraction: the impact of changing-state speech on person identification. Paper presented at Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Distraction, University of Central Lancashire

The Impact Of Morphing On Own- And Other-race Facial Composites

Presentation / Conference
Skelton, F., Frowd, C., & Walkden, S. (2013, September)
The Impact Of Morphing On Own- And Other-race Facial Composites. Paper presented at British Psychological Society Cognitive Section annual conference, University of Reading

The Importance Of Context For Facial Composite Images

Presentation / Conference
Skelton, F., & Frowd, C. (2013, January)
The Importance Of Context For Facial Composite Images. Paper presented at Identifying the Suspect: Improving Facial Composites, University of Leeds