4 results

“The Crown” - Princess Diana and the Cinderella Dream

Kulpa, R. (2021)
“The Crown” - Princess Diana and the Cinderella Dream. [Magazine article]. Warsaw
A week after the premiere of the fourth season of "The Crown", the British media announced that viewership records were broken. Diana's story is the main theme in it. What is ...

Developing Learning Landscape Partnerships: Why and how to work with protected area managers

Journal Article
McKee, A., Blackstock, K., Barea Azcón, J. M., Ciucci, P., Hošek, M., Huber, M., …Velander, K. (2018)
Developing Learning Landscape Partnerships: Why and how to work with protected area managers. Parks: The international Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation, 24(2), 63-78. https://doi.org/10.2305/iucn.ch.2018.parks-24-2amck.en
There are many calls for more effective science-policy interaction and knowledge exchange in order to tackle persistent conservation problems; however, more clarity is needed ...

One world is not enough: the structured phenomenology of lifestyle migrants in East Asia: One world is not enough

Journal Article
Stones, R., Lee, M., O'Reilly, K., & Botterill, K. (2018)
One world is not enough: the structured phenomenology of lifestyle migrants in East Asia: One world is not enough. British Journal of Sociology, https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-4446.12357
The paper is based on original empirical research into the lifestyle migration of European migrants, primarily British, to Thailand and Malaysia, and of Hong Kong Chinese migr...


Book Chapter
Briers, R. (2015)
Eutrophication. In Encyclopedia of Sustainable Tourism, 226. CAB International Publishing
No abstract available.