3 results

The making of a ‘risk population’: categorisations of Roma and ethnic boundary-making among Czech- and Slovak-speaking migrants in Glasgow

Journal Article
Guma, T. (2018)
The making of a ‘risk population’: categorisations of Roma and ethnic boundary-making among Czech- and Slovak-speaking migrants in Glasgow. Identities, 26(6), 668-687. https://doi.org/10.1080/1070289x.2018.1441690
This paper critically examines the processes of categorisation of Roma migrants in Glasgow, contributing to debates on the (unsuccessful) attempts of the EU and individual Eur...

Discordant lifestyle mobilities in East Asia: privilege and precarity of British retirement in Thailand

Journal Article
Botterill, K. (2016)
Discordant lifestyle mobilities in East Asia: privilege and precarity of British retirement in Thailand. Population, Space and Place, 23(5), e2011. https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.2011
This paper explores the lifestyle mobilities of British retirees in Thailand, drawing on empirical research conducted in 2012. Thailand is a host to a significant number of Br...

Family and Mobility in Second Modernity: Polish Migrant Narratives of Individualization and Family Life

Journal Article
Botterill, K. (2014)
Family and Mobility in Second Modernity: Polish Migrant Narratives of Individualization and Family Life. Sociology, 48(2), 233-250. https://doi.org/10.1177/0038038512474728
This article revisits the individualization debate in the context of Polish migration to the UK. Drawing on empirical research with young Polish migrants in Scotland and Polan...