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225 results

How physicians decide: a regulatory compliance perspective from clinical research

Smith, F. How physicians decide: a regulatory compliance perspective from clinical research. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
The central aim of this thesis is to investigate how physicians, working for Pharmaceutical Product Development (PPD), a clinical research organisation (CRO), make decisions f...

Transferring soft skills from the performing arts curriculum to business–a German-Based exploration into the possibilities for training management consultants

Havar-Simonovich, T. Transferring soft skills from the performing arts curriculum to business–a German-Based exploration into the possibilities for training management consultants. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
Recent research findings have reinforced the importance of soft skills for managerial success. Consequently, there is an ongoing practical need for and research interest in ef...

Developing middle managers in the Hong Kong Public sector: A critique of leadership development from a labour process perspective

O'Neil, J. J. Developing middle managers in the Hong Kong Public sector: A critique of leadership development from a labour process perspective. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
Critical scholars have written about the ‘squeezed middle’ and the new labour process of front line and middle managers generally, but there is a gap in the literature relatin...

Enterprise Risk Management: insights on emerging risks from the German banking sector

Nöth-Zahn, S. Enterprise Risk Management: insights on emerging risks from the German banking sector. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
IT innovations have reshaped banking and will continue to do so. They are a manifestation of indispensable progress, yet risks emerge from IT innovations. Historic data and ac...

A study of the impact of employee placement on organisational effectiveness in the oil and gas industry in Trinidad and Tobago from senior managers' perspectives

Julien, D. C. A study of the impact of employee placement on organisational effectiveness in the oil and gas industry in Trinidad and Tobago from senior managers' perspectives. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
This research project aims to establish the impact of placement on organisational effectiveness (OE) from senior managers' perspectives. The first objective is to critically r...

An exploration of how academic staff construct social identities in the career transition from the performing arts into higher education

Miller Judd, P. C. An exploration of how academic staff construct social identities in the career transition from the performing arts into higher education. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
For delivery of practice-based degrees in performing arts, universities often seek to employ lecturers with a strong professional profile which is considered to add value to t...

Evaluating the experience of children with cerebral palsy and their parents in the transition from primary school to secondary school

Noble, A. M. Evaluating the experience of children with cerebral palsy and their parents in the transition from primary school to secondary school. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
The transition from primary to secondary school has been identified as a time that requires further investigation. In particular there is a need to include the experiences of ...

From Commitment to Control: A Labour Process Study of Workers' Experiences of the Transition from Clerical to Call Centre Work at British Gas

Ellis, V. From Commitment to Control: A Labour Process Study of Workers' Experiences of the Transition from Clerical to Call Centre Work at British Gas. (Thesis)
University of Stirling. Retrieved from
Despite their continuing importance to the UK economy and their employment of significant numbers of workers from a range of professions, the utilities have received scant att...

An investigation into changes in gender equity and equality in Scottish universities from 1850 to 2011

Dick, D. An investigation into changes in gender equity and equality in Scottish universities from 1850 to 2011. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
The central aim of this thesis is: to investigate changes in gender equity and equality in Scottish universities from mid-nineteenth century to 2011 with reference to the expe...

Redefining leadership in a higher education context: Views from the front line

Cook, M. C. Redefining leadership in a higher education context: Views from the front line. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
The study aim was to investigate the perceptions of senior leaders within the sector to determine their views of the key challenges in contemporary academic leadership and to ...



