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42 results

System-based barriers for seaports in contributing to sustainable development goals

Journal Article
Katuwawala, H. C., & Mudiyanselage, Y. M. (2022)
System-based barriers for seaports in contributing to sustainable development goals. Maritime Business Review, 7(3), 255-269.
The main purpose of this paper is to identify the reasons for the stagnant behaviour of seaports contributing towards SDGs. Global seaport sustainability practices that corres...

Conceptualizing the Behavioral Barriers to CSR and CS in Organizations: A Typology of HRD Interventions

Journal Article
Garavan, T. N., Heraty, N., Rock, A., & Dalton, E. (2010)
Conceptualizing the Behavioral Barriers to CSR and CS in Organizations: A Typology of HRD Interventions. Advances in developing human resources, 12(5), 587-613.
A considerable body of research exists on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate sustainability (CS). However, there is significantly less on the influence of emp...

Structural barriers to implementing open innovation in healthcare

Journal Article
Fascia, M., & Brodie, J. (2017)
Structural barriers to implementing open innovation in healthcare. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 23(7), 338-343.
For many decades, the pursuit of practicable service provision has been the fundamental goal of the NHS. This article explores ‘open innovation’ as an existing force within th...

Drivers and Barriers to Energy Efficiency Management for Sustainable Development: Organizational Drivers and Barriers for Energy Efficiency

Journal Article
Lee, K. (2015)
Drivers and Barriers to Energy Efficiency Management for Sustainable Development: Organizational Drivers and Barriers for Energy Efficiency. Sustainable Development, 23(1), 16-25.
An increasing number of industries are seeking to use energy more efficiently due to market pressure, public awareness of environmental sustainability, and rising energy costs...

Barriers to learning: conflicts that occur between and within organisational systems

Journal Article
Grieves, J., McMillan, J., & Wilding, P. (2006)
Barriers to learning: conflicts that occur between and within organisational systems. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 3(1), 86.
The paper argues that Organisational Learning (OL), as the underpinning process for Strategic Human Resource Development, has not yet reached a sufficient degree of maturity. ...

Learning whilst working: perceptions on barriers and enablers to transfer of learning amongst part-time students on a professional MSc programme Education + Training

Journal Article
D'Annunzio-Green, N., & Barron, P. (2019)
Learning whilst working: perceptions on barriers and enablers to transfer of learning amongst part-time students on a professional MSc programme Education + Training. Education and Training, 61(2), 187-200.
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine student-learner perceptions of benefits, barriers and enablers in learning whilst working, specifically focussing on learning t...

A preliminary study of barriers to bank financing of ethnic Chinese entrepreneurs in the UK.

Journal Article
Zhang, J. (2015)
A preliminary study of barriers to bank financing of ethnic Chinese entrepreneurs in the UK. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 3, 105-110.
Ethnic minority entrepreneurship has been a growing research interest, however, little has been known about financial barriers to start up and run a business venture from the ...

Motivations, barriers, and incentives for adopting environmental management (cost) accounting and related guidelines: a study of the republic of Korea

Journal Article
Lee, K. (2011)
Motivations, barriers, and incentives for adopting environmental management (cost) accounting and related guidelines: a study of the republic of Korea. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 18(1), 39-49.
The purpose of this paper is to present an empirical case for research in environmental management accounting and/or environmental cost accounting. The paper provides an analy...

Sustainable energy policies as a source of competitive advantage in the UK service industry

Journal Article
Burrows, M., & Omar, M. (2007)
Sustainable energy policies as a source of competitive advantage in the UK service industry. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 3, 231-250.
The UK service industry has the ability to reduce costs by introducing energy efficiency to its operations. Barriers exist which hinder the implementation of energy efficient ...

Ahead of their time? Barriers to action in green tourism firms

Journal Article
Tzschentke, N., Kirk, D., & Lynch, P. (2008)
Ahead of their time? Barriers to action in green tourism firms. Service Industries Journal, 28(2), 167-178. doi:10.1080/02642060701842175
This paper presents findings from a qualitative research investigation into tourism firms and the environment. It focuses on the factors preventing a sample of small environme...



