12 results

Career transitions to paid employment: At what point does training placement provision move between up-skilling to exploitation?

Presentation / Conference
O'Neil, J., & Ivancheva, M. (2024, April)
Career transitions to paid employment: At what point does training placement provision move between up-skilling to exploitation?. Paper presented at 42nd International Labour Process Conference 2024 (ILPC 2024), Göttingen
Precarious work that becomes a ‘stepping stone’ to decent work (McGuiness and Wooden 2009, Nunley et al 2017; Munoz-Comet and Steinmetz 2020) is the bargain struck for many le...

Employer Policy and Practice Toward Older Workers in Hong Kong: The Role of Shifting Intergenerational Dynamics

Journal Article
Egdell, V., Fuertes, V., Tjandra, N. C., & Chen, T. (2019)
Employer Policy and Practice Toward Older Workers in Hong Kong: The Role of Shifting Intergenerational Dynamics. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 31(5), 445-466. https://doi.org/10.1080/08959420.2018.1563472
Many governments are seeking to encourage the extension of working lives to counteract potential labor market shortages that might result from population aging. Nevertheless, ...

Age management in the workplace: manager and older worker accounts of policy and practice

Journal Article
Egdell, V., Maclean, G., Raeside, R., & Chen, T. (2020)
Age management in the workplace: manager and older worker accounts of policy and practice. Ageing and society, 40(4), 784-804. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0144686X18001307
The impact of an ageing workforce on the workplace is a concern internationally. Governments are increasingly encouraging the continued labour market participation of older wo...

A capability approach to career development: An introduction and implications for practice

Journal Article
Robertson, P. J., & Egdell, V. (2018)
A capability approach to career development: An introduction and implications for practice. Australian Journal of Career Development, 27(3), 119-126. https://doi.org/10.1177/1038416217704449
In the UK, the concept of employability is influential in current conceptualizations of career development. It is an example of a discourse underpinned by faith in individual ...

Integrating young people into society: perceptions of enabling agents

Raeside, R., Egdell, V., & Graham, H. (2017)
Integrating young people into society: perceptions of enabling agents. In H. Otto, V. Egdell, J. Bonvin, & R. Atzmüller (Eds.), Empowering Young People in Disempowering Times. Fighting Inequality Through Capability Oriented PolicyCheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
No abstract available.

Mental Health and Unemployment in Scotland: Understanding the impact of welfare reforms in Scotland for individuals with mental health conditions

Maclean, G., Marks, A. & Cowan, S. (2017)
Mental Health and Unemployment in Scotland: Understanding the impact of welfare reforms in Scotland for individuals with mental health conditions. Edinburgh: Carnegie Trust
During 2016, 30 individuals with a mental health condition (who claimed ESA, have had their ESA withdrawn and moved on to JSA, or have been directed into the WRAG group based ...

The Management of Dementia in the Workplace in the Public Sector in Scotland

Egdell, V. (2016)
The Management of Dementia in the Workplace in the Public Sector in Scotland. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Napier University Business School Research Funding 2015/16
The Scottish population is ageing. This will have a significant impact on the labour market, in particular on the greater need for employers to employ relatively more older wo...

Supporting Disadvantaged Young People into Work: Insights from the Capability Approach.

Journal Article
Egdell, V., & McQuaid, R. W. (2015)
Supporting Disadvantaged Young People into Work: Insights from the Capability Approach. Social Policy and Administration, 50(1), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1111/spol.12108
The Capability Approach (CA) offers a perspective on the employment activation of young people that is concerned with their freedom to make choices that they value rather than...

Health and Wellbeing of Employees in Employee Owned Businesses

McQuaid, R., Hollywood, E., Bond, S., Canduela, J., Richard, A., & Blackledge, G. (2012)
Health and Wellbeing of Employees in Employee Owned Businesses. Scotland: Employee Ownership Association
This research examines the relationship between working for an employee owned business and the levels of health and wellbeing among employees. It was carried out by the Employ...

An Evaluation of Barnardo's Works Services

McQuaid, R., Dutton, M., Egdell, V., & Canduela, J. (2011)
An Evaluation of Barnardo's Works Services. Scotland: Barnardo's
The overall aim of the research was to evaluate the contribution of BW to young people, employers, society and in meeting national outcomes. Evidence was gathered through int...