19 results

Public engagement in the Business School: What is public engagement and how can TBS researchers engage with their publics?

Presentation / Conference
Todd, L. (2023, December)
Public engagement in the Business School: What is public engagement and how can TBS researchers engage with their publics?. Presented at Tourism & Languages Research Seminar, Edinburgh
This seminar and workshop will provide an overview of Public Engagement (PE) with research in the Business School. It will introduce the University’s Public Engagement Funding...

Managing Visitor Attractions

Fyall, A., Garrod, B., Leask, A., & Wanhill, S. (Eds.)
(2022). Managing Visitor Attractions. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003041948
Visitor attractions represent a complex sector of the tourism industry and are the catalytic focus for the development of tourism infrastructure and services. The third editio...

Unlock & Revive: The ingredients needed to deliver accessible online cultural and heritage events that bring positive benefits to people living with dementia

Stewart, H., Smith, S., Baxter, R., Ali-Knight, J., & Kerr, G. (2022)
Unlock & Revive: The ingredients needed to deliver accessible online cultural and heritage events that bring positive benefits to people living with dementia. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Napier University
Unlock & Revive is a multi-disciplinary action-research project that involves multiple partners. It is a highly collaborative project aimed at supporting the wellbeing of peop...

Building resilience and future proofing events education

Conference Proceeding
Jaimangal-Jones, D., Jackson, C., & Robertson, M. (2021)
Building resilience and future proofing events education
This session explores issues surrounding the design and delivery of Event Management programmes, specifically those related to their resilience and futureproofing. It addresse...

The ‘Senses Framework’: A relationship-centred approach to co-producing dementia events in order to allow people to live well after a dementia diagnosis

Journal Article
Stewart, H., Ali-Knight, J., Stephen, S., & Kerr, G. (2022)
The ‘Senses Framework’: A relationship-centred approach to co-producing dementia events in order to allow people to live well after a dementia diagnosis. Event Management, 26(1), 157-175. https://doi.org/10.3727/152599521X16192004803683
Dementia is a progressive disorder that affects how the brain works, and in particular the ability to remember, think and reason. It affects speech, mood, mobility, behavior a...

Factors in the provision of engaging experiences for the traditionalist market at visitor attractions

Journal Article
Leask, A., & Barron, P. (2021)
Factors in the provision of engaging experiences for the traditionalist market at visitor attractions. Tourism Management Perspectives, 38, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmp.2021.100810
The global population is ageing with implications for the provision of tourism experiences to meet changing needs. The shift in demographics has encouraged a focus on the olde...

Scottish Parliament Citizens’ Panel on COVID-19

Citizens’ Panel Steering Group, . (2021)
Scottish Parliament Citizens’ Panel on COVID-19. https://archive2021.parliament.scot/20210218CVDCitizensPanelReportFinal.pdf: Scottish Parliament
This Citizens’ Panel was commissioned by the Scottish Parliament’s COVID-19 Committee. Its findings will support the COVID-19 Committee’s work to scrutinise the Scottish Gover...

Four shades of science festival: a qualitative study exploring the business and management dimensions of science festivals in the United Kingdom

Kerr, G. Four shades of science festival: a qualitative study exploring the business and management dimensions of science festivals in the United Kingdom. (Thesis)
University of Salford. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/2725841
Science festivals are a global cultural phenomenon with at least 60 such festivals taking place across the UK every year. Science festivals fulfil a unique function within civ...

The forward facing flaneur: a fresh look at information seeking for the beer festival attendee

Presentation / Conference
Robertson, M., & Adams, A. (2019, July)
The forward facing flaneur: a fresh look at information seeking for the beer festival attendee. Paper presented at Leisure Studies Association (LSA) 2019, Abertay University, Dundee
Dӧrk, Carpendale and Williamson (2011) review the Flaneur (Baudelaire, 1863) in contemporary settings, positing the information flanuer as representing a new way of thinking a...

Business Events - the application of design and transforming access

Presentation / Conference
Robertson, M., & McLachie, J. (2019, May)
Business Events - the application of design and transforming access. Paper presented at Atlas Business Tourism 2019 Special Interest Group Conference, Porvoo, Finland
This work introduces and critically reviews the changing notion of social responsibility in the behaviour and actions of Business Event provision and its management. In partic...