3 results

Empowering Organisations To Embrace UN Sustainable Development Goals: Post-Covid-19 Scotland

Book Chapter
Fonseca, A., Crossan, K., Weaver, M., Tan, H., Bratton, A., & Pershina, E. (in press)
Empowering Organisations To Embrace UN Sustainable Development Goals: Post-Covid-19 Scotland. In W. Leal Filho (Ed.), SDGs in the European Region. Springer
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) argues that the global coronavirus pandemic has caused unimaginable consequences to the global community's economy, social stru...

A Reflective Case Study on using Team Academy principles to integrate a university-based business incubator service into the mainstream curriculum

Book Chapter
Wu, W., Tan, H., & Miller Judd, P. (2022)
A Reflective Case Study on using Team Academy principles to integrate a university-based business incubator service into the mainstream curriculum. In B. Urzelai, & E. Vettraino (Eds.), Team Academy in Diverse Settings. (1). London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003163176
The fast-changing world requires graduates equipped with the entrepreneurial skills necessary to solve real-world challenges. University based business incubators have largely...

Systems and Systemic Approaches for Attaining the SDGs Across Partnerships

Book Chapter
Weaver, M., Tan, H., & Crossan, K. (2020)
Systems and Systemic Approaches for Attaining the SDGs Across Partnerships. In W. Leal Filho, A. M. Azul, L. Brandli, A. Lange Salvia, & T. Wall (Eds.), Partnerships for the Goals: Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Cham: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71067-9
Weaver, M., Tan, H., & Crossan, K. (in press). Systems and Systemic Approaches for Partnership Working for the Goals. In W. Leal Filho, A. M. Azul, L. Brandli, A. Lange Salvia...