The Role of Swift Trust in Virtual Teams and Implications for Human Resource Development
Journal Article
Germain, M., & McGuire, D. (2014)
The Role of Swift Trust in Virtual Teams and Implications for Human Resource Development. Advances in developing human resources, 16(3), 356-370.
The Problem The combination of flatter organizational structures, globalization, cost-saving initiatives, and the increased emphasis on knowledge sharing has been a contributo...
The motivation of nurses to participate in continuing professional education in Ireland
Journal Article
Murphy, C., Cross, C., & McGuire, D. (2006)
The motivation of nurses to participate in continuing professional education in Ireland. Journal of European industrial training, 30(5), 365-384.
Purpose – The purpose of this article is to review the extant literature on CPE amongst nurses and concentrate on discovering the factors that motivate and inhibit participati...