5 results

Judicial Training Brief - Children (Scotland) Act 2020

Barnes Macfarlane, L. (2020)
Judicial Training Brief - Children (Scotland) Act 2020. Judicial Institute for Scotland
Abstract not available.

Balancing the rights of parents and children: The Children (Scotland) Bill 2019

Barnes Macfarlane, L. (2019)
Balancing the rights of parents and children: The Children (Scotland) Bill 2019. https://www.parliament.scot/parliamentarybusiness/CurrentCommittees/112969.aspx: Scottish Parliament Justice Committee
The Scottish Government is in the process of updating the Family Justice system. This includes the legislation regulating how family court law cases (i.e. disputes about chil...

Scotland's Mental Health and Capacity Law: A Case for Reform

Stavert, J., & McKay, C. (2017)
Scotland's Mental Health and Capacity Law: A Case for Reform. Edinburgh: Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland
Report of joint Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland and Centre for Mental Health and Capacity Law law reform scoping exercise.

Supported Decision-Making: Good Practice Guide

Stavert, J. (2016)
Supported Decision-Making: Good Practice Guide. Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland
Supported decision-making maximizes an individual's ability to ensure that their rights, will and preferences are at the centre of all decisions that concern them...

The Essex Autonomy Project Three Jurisdictions Report: towards compliance with CRPD Art. 12 in capacity/incapacity legislation across the UK

Martin, W., Michalowski, S., Stavert, J., Ward, A., Ruck Keene, A., Caughey, C., …McGregor, R. (2016)
The Essex Autonomy Project Three Jurisdictions Report: towards compliance with CRPD Art. 12 in capacity/incapacity legislation across the UK. University of Essex - AHRC