16 results

“Brilliant at everything, saying yes to even more”: The realities of overwork in academia

Presentation / Conference
Pustelnikovaite, T., Richards, J., Ellis, V., & Saxena, S. (2021, August)
“Brilliant at everything, saying yes to even more”: The realities of overwork in academia. Paper presented at Work, Employment and Society, Online
Leaveism is an important yet underresearched phenomenon in contemporary work and employment. It refers to employees using allocated time off to work, such as taking work home ...

Developing the concept of leaveism: From a form of presenteeism/absence to an emergent and expanding domain of work

Presentation / Conference
Richards, J., Canduela, J., Pustelnikovaite, T., Ellis, V., & Saxena, S. (2021, April)
Developing the concept of leaveism: From a form of presenteeism/absence to an emergent and expanding domain of work. Paper presented at International Labour Process Conference, University of Greenwich
The purpose of the paper is to develop the emergent notion of leaveism by drawing on concepts related to work intensification (WI) and ideal worker (IW) norms. The argument dr...

The normalisation of overwork: A scoping study of Leavism

Presentation / Conference
Richards, J., Pustelnikovaite, T., Ellis, V., & Canduela, J. (2020, April)
The normalisation of overwork: A scoping study of Leavism. Paper presented at International Labour Process Conference, Newcastle
The proposed paper focuses on Leaveism, understood as employees using allocated time off to work (CIPD, 2018). Leaveism involves using allocated time off when actually unwell,...

Leaveism: A scoping study and recommendations for HRM practice

Presentation / Conference
Richards, J., Pustelnikovaite, T., & Ellis, V. (2020, January)
Leaveism: A scoping study and recommendations for HRM practice. Paper presented at CIPD Applied Research Conference, Dublin, Ireland
Richards, J., Pustelnikovaite, T., & Ellis, V. (2020, January). Leaveism: A scoping study and recommendations for HRM practice. Paper presented at CIPD Applied Research Confer...

'Bitter and Twisted or Happy Chappy?' Examining the labour process within the Scottish Craft Beer Industry

Presentation / Conference
Ellis, V. (2019, December)
'Bitter and Twisted or Happy Chappy?' Examining the labour process within the Scottish Craft Beer Industry. Presented at Research Seminar Series, Abertay University

Assessing job quality within the Scottish microbrewing sector

Presentation / Conference
Ellis, V., & Richards, J. (2019, July)
Assessing job quality within the Scottish microbrewing sector. Paper presented at Centre for Beer Research and Enterprise (CBREW) Workshop
Abstract not available.

Unkettling the unions? An action research study of surmounting the Trade Union Act 2016 in the UK higher education sector

Presentation / Conference
Richards, J., & Ellis, V. (2019, April)
Unkettling the unions? An action research study of surmounting the Trade Union Act 2016 in the UK higher education sector. Paper presented at International Labour Process Conference
The paper responds to calls for the sharing of ‘best practice’ were trade unions have successfully met turnout levels required of the Trade Union Act 2016 (the Act). The study...

Examining the meanings and motivations for working within the Scottish microbrewing industry

Presentation / Conference
Ellis, V., & Richards, J. (2019, April)
Examining the meanings and motivations for working within the Scottish microbrewing industry. Paper presented at International Labour Process Conference
Brewing has experienced a considerable revival in recent years with the number of brewers in the UK being at its highest level since the 1930s (Cask Report, 2018). After decad...

Anticipation and the cortisol awakening response within a dynamic psychosocial work environment

Presentation / Conference
Campbell, T., Westbury, T., Davison, R. & Florida-James, G. (2017, October)
Anticipation and the cortisol awakening response within a dynamic psychosocial work environment. Poster presented at Society for Psychophysiological Research - 57th Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria
The cortisol awakening response (CAR) is a distinct element of the diurnal pattern of cortisol release, believed to be partly driven by the anticipation of the demands of the ...

The ageing population and employers in Scotland.

Presentation / Conference
Egdell, V. (2017, September)
The ageing population and employers in Scotland. Paper presented at Employment Research Institute / National Institute of Career Education and Counselling seminar, Edinburgh Napier University
Presentation (The Ageing Population and Employers in Scotland) at Employment Research Institute/National Institute of Career Education and Counselling seminar