The first law of time travel: The Time Machine and thermodynamics.
Presentation / Conference
Alder, E. (2013, April)
The first law of time travel: The Time Machine and thermodynamics. Paper presented at British Society for Literature and Science Annual Conference, University of Cardiff
Critical analyses of H. G. Wells’s The Time Machine (1895) have attended closely to themes of biology, such as evolutionary degeneration, but those of physics have not been tr...
Gothic at sea: ships, revenants, and the liminal realm of the ocean.
Presentation / Conference
Alder, E. (2011, August)
Gothic at sea: ships, revenants, and the liminal realm of the ocean. Paper presented at Gothic limits / Gothic Ltd.’: 10th Biennial Conference of the International Gothic Association. 2-5 August 2011., University of Heidelberg, Germany
Many aspects of the ocean deep remain obscure to modern science and exploration, and in literature it has always been an area of mystery, sometimes of horror. Foucault’s chara...
How to avoid extinction: closed systems and the struggle for existence.
Presentation / Conference
Alder, E. (2011, January)
How to avoid extinction: closed systems and the struggle for existence. Paper presented at British Society for Literature and Science Annual Conference, Cambridge University