9 results

Re-politicising Anti-trafficking: Migration, Labour, and the War in Ukraine

Journal Article
Mendel, J., & Sharapov, K. (in press)
Re-politicising Anti-trafficking: Migration, Labour, and the War in Ukraine. Anti-trafficking review, 22,
Drawing on multi-method research, this article demonstrates that the risks of large-scale trafficking due to the war in Ukraine were mitigated by granting Ukrainians more exte...

“Are we criminals?” – everyday racialisation in temporary asylum accommodation

Journal Article
Guma, T., Blake, Y., Maclean, G., MacLeod, K., Makutsa, R., & Sharapov, K. (2024)
“Are we criminals?” – everyday racialisation in temporary asylum accommodation. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47(4), 742-762. https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2023.2238052
This paper critically examines the placement of people seeking asylum in temporary accommodation during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is based on a 14-month collaborative ethnogra...

‘Stick them to the cross’: Anti-trafficking apps and the production of ignorance

Journal Article
Mendel, J., & Sharapov, K. (2022)
‘Stick them to the cross’: Anti-trafficking apps and the production of ignorance. Journal of Human Trafficking, 8(3), 233-249. https://doi.org/10.1080/23322705.2020.1801284
There is a long history of ignorance production around trafficking in human beings. A proliferation of anti-trafficking apps plays an important role in the reinforcement of th...

Editorial: Knowledge is Power, Ignorance is Bliss: Public perceptions and responses to human trafficking

Journal Article
Sharapov, K., Hoff, S., & Gerasimov, B. (2019)
Editorial: Knowledge is Power, Ignorance is Bliss: Public perceptions and responses to human trafficking. Anti-trafficking review, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.14197/atr.201219131
The focus of this issue of the Anti-Trafficking Review—public perceptions and responses to human trafficking—reflects the growing unease and disagreements among anti-trafficki...

Public Understanding of Trafficking in Human Beings in Great Britain, Hungary and Ukraine

Journal Article
Sharapov, K. (2019)
Public Understanding of Trafficking in Human Beings in Great Britain, Hungary and Ukraine. Anti-trafficking review, 13, 30-49. https://doi.org/10.14197/atr.201219133
This article provides a summary of research undertaken to investigate public awareness and understanding of human trafficking in Great Britain, Ukraine, and Hungary. Respondin...

Trafficking in Human Beings: Made and Cut to Measure? Anti-trafficking Docufictions and the Production of Anti-trafficking Truths

Journal Article
Sharapov, K., & Mendel, J. (2018)
Trafficking in Human Beings: Made and Cut to Measure? Anti-trafficking Docufictions and the Production of Anti-trafficking Truths. Cultural Sociology, 12(4), 540-560. https://doi.org/10.1177/1749975518788657
This paper responds to Gozdziak's (2015: 30) call to explore how the knowledge that informs public debates about human trafficking is generated. Media imagery and narratives p...

Human Trafficking and Online Networks: Policy, Analysis, and Ignorance

Journal Article
Mendel, J., & Sharapov, K. (2016)
Human Trafficking and Online Networks: Policy, Analysis, and Ignorance. Antipode, 48(3), 665-684. https://doi.org/10.1111/anti.12213
Dominant anti-trafficking policy discourses represent trafficking as an issue of crime, “illegal” migration, victimhood and humanitarianism. Such a narrow focus is not an adeq...

‘Traffickers and Their Victims’: Anti-Trafficking Policy in the United Kingdom

Journal Article
Sharapov, K. (2017)
‘Traffickers and Their Victims’: Anti-Trafficking Policy in the United Kingdom. Critical Sociology, 43(1), 91-111. https://doi.org/10.1177/0896920515598562
This paper relies upon the ‘what’s the problem represented to be?’ approach to policy analysis to interrogate key representations of human trafficking implicit in the UK gover...

Giving us the ‘Biggest Bang for the Buck’ (or Not): Anti-trafficking government funding in Ukraine and the United Kingdom

Journal Article
Sharapov, K. (2014)
Giving us the ‘Biggest Bang for the Buck’ (or Not): Anti-trafficking government funding in Ukraine and the United Kingdom. Anti-trafficking review, 3, 16-40. https://doi.org/10.14197/atr.20121432
The focus of this paper is on government anti-trafficking policies and funding allocations in two case-study countries, Ukraine and the United Kingdom (UK). The paper discusse...



