18 results

A quantitative cross-modal analysis of transportation firms’ transaction costs - are airlines any different?

Journal Article
Merkert, R., & Cowie, J. (2012)
A quantitative cross-modal analysis of transportation firms’ transaction costs - are airlines any different?. Journal of Air Transport Management, 22, 3-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2012.01.002
This paper applies a top-down approach to transaction cost measurement to identify the size of the transaction sector within types of transport firms in Britain, including rai...

Contestability in bus markets – evidence from the British de-regulated market

Journal Article
Cowie, J. (2012)
Contestability in bus markets – evidence from the British de-regulated market. Applied Economics, 44, 4777-4785. https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2011.564146
Following the 1985 Transport Act in Great Britain, reforms in the provision of bus services continue across Europe and other parts of the world to this day. The British experi...

An assessment of cost management regimes in British rail infrastructure provision.

Journal Article
Cowie, J., & Loynes, S. (2012)
An assessment of cost management regimes in British rail infrastructure provision. Transportation, 39, 1281-1299. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-012-9389-6
Over the last decade, British railway engineering efficiency has come under close scrutiny, with general perceptions of massive maintenance cost escalations and a general lack...

The cost of remote transport services in the single European market — The case of the Scottish Western Isles ferries

Journal Article
Cowie, J. (2012)
The cost of remote transport services in the single European market — The case of the Scottish Western Isles ferries. Research in Transportation Business and Management, 4, 90-96. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rtbm.2012.06.014
This paper concerns the reform of ferry services to the islands and peninsulas off the west coast of Scotland (known collectively as the Clyde and Hebrides ferry services), an...

Evaluating train protection systems

Journal Article
Riddington, G., Beck, M., & Cowie, J. (2004)
Evaluating train protection systems. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55(6), 606-613. https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.jors.2601724
This paper arose from the work carried out for the Cullen/Uff Joint Inquiry into Train Protection Systems. It is concerned with the problem of evaluating the benefits of safet...

Production economics of a vertically separated railway – The case of the British train operating companies.

Journal Article
Cowie, J. (2002)
Production economics of a vertically separated railway – The case of the British train operating companies. Trasporti europei, 5, 45-52
This paper focuses on the production economics issues surrounding the vertical separation of infrastructure from rail services with regard to passenger operations. A case stud...

Acquisition, efficiency and scale economies – an analysis of the British bus industry.

Journal Article
Cowie, J. (2002)
Acquisition, efficiency and scale economies – an analysis of the British bus industry. Transport Reviews. 22, 147-157. doi:10.1080/014416400110076267. ISSN 0144-1647
The British Bus industry has undergone considerable transformation since privatization. Five major operators have emerged to dominate the market, a position almost exclusively...

Subsidy and productivity in the privatised British passenger railway.

Journal Article
Cowie, J. (2002)
Subsidy and productivity in the privatised British passenger railway. Economic issues. 7, 25-38. ISSN 1363-7029
This paper gives an overview of subsidy reductions in the privatised passenger rail industry in Britain before focusing on productivity performance across the first four years...



