48 results

New services, new travelers, old models? Directions to pioneer public transport models in the era of big data.

Journal Article
Fonzone, A., Schmöcker, J., & Viti, F. (2016)
New services, new travelers, old models? Directions to pioneer public transport models in the era of big data. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations, 20(4), 311-315. https://doi.org/10.1080/15472450.2016.1190553
No abstract available.

What do you do with your app? A study of rider decision-making with real-time passenger information.

Journal Article
Fonzone, A. (2014)
What do you do with your app? A study of rider decision-making with real-time passenger information. Transportation research record, 2535(1), 15-24. doi:10.3141/2535-02
Provision of Real-Time Passenger Information (RTPI) is increasingly becoming a fundamental element of the service offered by transit agencies. RTPI changes the way in which tr...

Decision principles for routing strategies: games against nature and demons.

Journal Article
Schmoecker, J., & Fonzone, A. (2015)
Decision principles for routing strategies: games against nature and demons. Asian transport studies, 3(4), 362-377. https://doi.org/10.11175/eastsats.3.362
In this paper we firstly review general decision principles under uncertainty and apply them to route choice decisions. Risk-averse behaviour leads to the description of route...

A study of herding behaviour in exit choice during emergencies based on random utility theory.

Journal Article
Lovreglio, R., Fonzone, A., dell’Olio, L., & Borri, D. (2016)
A study of herding behaviour in exit choice during emergencies based on random utility theory. Safety Science, 82, 421-431. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2015.10.015
Modelling human behaviour in emergencies has become an important issue in safety engineering. Good behavioural models can help increase the safety of transportation systems an...

A model of bus bunching under reliability-based passenger arrival patterns.

Journal Article
Fonzone, A., Schmöcker, J., & Liu, R. (2015)
A model of bus bunching under reliability-based passenger arrival patterns. Transportation Research Procedia, 7, 276-299. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2015.06.015
If bus service departure times are not completely unknown to the passengers, non-uniform passenger arrival patterns can be expected. We propose that passengers decide their ar...

A model of bus bunching under reliability-based passenger arrival patterns

Journal Article
Fonzone, A., Schmöcker, J., & Liu, R. (2015)
A model of bus bunching under reliability-based passenger arrival patterns. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 59, 164-182. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2015.05.020
If bus service departure times are not completely unknown to the passengers, non-uniform passenger arrival patterns can be expected. We propose that passengers decide their ar...

The role of herding behaviour in exit choice during evacuation.

Journal Article
Lovreglio, R., Fonzone, A., dell’Olio, L., Borri, D., & Ibeas, A. (2014)
The role of herding behaviour in exit choice during evacuation. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 160, 390-399. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.12.151
Modelling of human behaviour during emergencies is an important issue to be investigated to improve the safety of transportation infrastructures. This behaviour can be influen...

Effects of transit real-time information usage strategies.

Journal Article
Fonzone, A., & Schmoecker, J. (2014)
Effects of transit real-time information usage strategies. Transportation research record, 2417, 121-129. https://doi.org/10.3141/2417-13
Real-time information is becoming increasingly available to transit travellers. This paper discusses the effects of RTI available before the start of a journey in terms of lin...

Considerations about the Analysis of ITS Data of Bicycle Sharing Systems.

Journal Article
Bordagaray, M., Fonzone, A., dell’Olio, L., & Ibeas, A. (2014)
Considerations about the Analysis of ITS Data of Bicycle Sharing Systems. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 162, 340-349. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.12.215
Handling and managing data automatically collected by Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is a major opportunity and challenge for transport professionals nowadays. This study...

Strategy choice in transit networks.

Journal Article
Fonzone, A., Schmoecker, J., Kurauchi, F., & Hemdan, S. M. H. (2013)
Strategy choice in transit networks. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 10, 796-815
Public transport passengers are assumed to choose routes that minimise the expected travel times. In networks with high-frequency services this requires the adoption of hyperp...



