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138 results

Improved Double Deep Q Network-Based Task Scheduling Algorithm in Edge Computing for Makespan Optimization

Journal Article
Zeng, L., Liu, Q., Shen, S., & Liu, X. (2024)
Improved Double Deep Q Network-Based Task Scheduling Algorithm in Edge Computing for Makespan Optimization. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 29(3), 806 - 817.
Edge computing nodes undertake more and more tasks as business density grows. How to efficiently allocate large-scale and dynamic workloads to edge computing resources has bec...

A spatio-temporal graph convolutional approach to real-time load forecasting in an edge-enabled distributed Internet of Smart Grids energy system

Journal Article
Liu, Q., Pan, L., Cao, X., Gan, J., Huang, X., & Liu, X. (in press)
A spatio-temporal graph convolutional approach to real-time load forecasting in an edge-enabled distributed Internet of Smart Grids energy system. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Article e8060.
As the edge nodes of the Internet of Smart Grids (IoSG), smart sockets enable all kinds of power load data to be analyzed at the edge, which create conditions for edge calcula...

An Entity Ontology-Based Knowledge Graph Embedding Approach to News Credibility Assessment

Journal Article
Liu, Q., Jin, Y., Cao, X., Liu, X., Zhou, X., Zhang, Y., …Qi, L. (in press)
An Entity Ontology-Based Knowledge Graph Embedding Approach to News Credibility Assessment. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems,
Fake news is a prevalent issue in modern society, leading to misinformation and societal harm. News credibility assessment is a crucial approach for evaluating the accuracy an...

DenMerD: a feature enhanced approach to radar beam blockage correction with edge-cloud computing

Journal Article
Liu, Q., Sun, J., Zhang, Y., & Liu, X. (2024)
DenMerD: a feature enhanced approach to radar beam blockage correction with edge-cloud computing. Journal of cloud computing: advances, systems and applications, 13, Article 32.
In the field of meteorology, the global radar network is indispensable for detecting weather phenomena and offering early warning services. Nevertheless, radar data frequently...

Deep Vision in Analysis and Recognition of Radar Data: Achievements, Advancements, and Challenges

Journal Article
Liu, Q., Yang, Z., Ji, R., Zhang, Y., Bilal, M., Liu, X., …Xu, X. (2023)
Deep Vision in Analysis and Recognition of Radar Data: Achievements, Advancements, and Challenges. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine, 9(4), 4-12.
Radars are widely used to obtain echo information for effective prediction, such as precipitation nowcasting. In this article, recent relevant scientific investigation and pra...

PMNet: A Multi-branch and Multi-scale Fusion Convolutional Neural Network for Water Body Extraction of High-resolution Remote Sensing Images

Journal Article
Liu, Q., Zhang, Z., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., & Du, Z. (in press)
PMNet: A Multi-branch and Multi-scale Fusion Convolutional Neural Network for Water Body Extraction of High-resolution Remote Sensing Images. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing,
Automatic extraction of water body information from high-resolution remote sensing images is one of the core tasks of remote sensing image interpretation. Since the complex mu...

A Multi-Swarm PSO Approach to Large-Scale Task Scheduling in a Sustainable Supply Chain Datacenter

Journal Article
Liu, Q., Zeng, L., Bilal, M., Song, H., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., & Cao, X. (2023)
A Multi-Swarm PSO Approach to Large-Scale Task Scheduling in a Sustainable Supply Chain Datacenter. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 7(4), 1667 - 1677.
Supply chain management is a vital part of ensuring service quality and production efficiency in industrial applications. With the development of cloud computing and data inte...

CoBRA without experts: New paradigm for software development effort estimation using COCOMO metrics

Journal Article
Feizpour, E., Tahayori, H., & Sami, A. (2023)
CoBRA without experts: New paradigm for software development effort estimation using COCOMO metrics. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 35(12), Article e2569.
Software development effort estimation (SDEE) is a critical activity in developing software. Accurate effort estimation in the early phases of software design life cycle has i...

Machine Learning Enabled Quantitative Ultrasound Techniques for Tissue Differentiation

Journal Article
Thomson, H., Yang, S., & Cochran, S. (2022)
Machine Learning Enabled Quantitative Ultrasound Techniques for Tissue Differentiation. Journal of Medical Ultrasonics, 49, 517-528.
Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) infers properties about tissue microstructure from backscattered via radio-frequency ultrasound data. This paper describes how to implement the m...

A self-attention integrated spatiotemporal LSTM approach to edge-radar echo extrapolation in the Internet of Radars

Journal Article
Yang, Z., Wu, H., Liu, Q., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., & Cao, X. (in press)
A self-attention integrated spatiotemporal LSTM approach to edge-radar echo extrapolation in the Internet of Radars. ISA Transactions,
In recent years, the number of weather-related disasters significantly increases across the world. As a typical example, short-range extreme precipitation can cause severe flo...