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57 results

Inclusive design in industry: barriers, drivers and the business case

Conference Proceeding
Dong, H., Keates, S., & Clarkson, P. J. (2004)
Inclusive design in industry: barriers, drivers and the business case. In C. Stary, & C. Stephanidis (Eds.), User-Centered Interaction Paradigms for Universal Access in the Information Society: Revised Selected Papers from the 8th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All. Part IV, 305-319.
Despite increasing discussion in academia, genuinely ?inclusive? design in industry remains the exception rather than the rule. Based on literature reviews and industry survey...

Student beliefs as barriers to articulation

Conference Proceeding
Meharg, D., & Craighill, S. (2015)
Student beliefs as barriers to articulation. In 2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Proceedings.
Eccles et al.’s ‘Expectancy-Value Model of Achievement Motivation’ (2000) states that ‘an individual’s choice, persistence, and performance can be explained by their beliefs a...

The 'Employability Gap': towards an understanding of the relationship between long-term unemployment, employability and barriers to work

Conference Proceeding
McQuaid, R. W., & Lindsay, C. (2000)
The 'Employability Gap': towards an understanding of the relationship between long-term unemployment, employability and barriers to work
This paper seeks to identify the main barriers limiting the employability of long-term unemployed job seekers. Employability (according to Hillage and Pollard’s, 1999, definit...

Compounding barriers to fairness in the digital technology ecosystem

Conference Proceeding
Woolley, S. I., Collins, T., Andras, P., Gardner, A., Ortolani, M., & Pitt, J. (2021)
Compounding barriers to fairness in the digital technology ecosystem. In 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS).
A growing sense of unfairness permeates our quasi-digital society. Despite drivers supporting and motivating ethical practice in the digital technology ecosystem, there are co...

Addressing professional competency barriers that restrict bilateral international mobility of undergraduate veterinary nursing students.

Conference Proceeding
Smith, D., & Webster, B. Addressing professional competency barriers that restrict bilateral international mobility of undergraduate veterinary nursing students. Manuscript submitted for publication

Smith, D., & Webster, B. Addressing professional competency barriers that restrict bilateral international mobility of undergraduate veterinary nursing students. Manuscript submitted for publication
This paper is primarily aimed at addressing some of the issues that relate to student mobility in the area of veterinary nurse education across the world. Mobility of veterin...

The future of sustainable urban freight distribution: a Delphi study of the drivers and barriers of electric vehicles in London

Conference Proceeding
Ablola, M., Plant, E., & Lee, C. (2014)
The future of sustainable urban freight distribution: a Delphi study of the drivers and barriers of electric vehicles in London.
The use of electric delivery vehicles in urban applications is a viable solution proposed by government and academic research to enable the logistics industry to achieve the c...

Barriers to escaping the low-pay no-pay cycle for disadvantaged parents.

Conference Proceeding
Fuertes, V. (2009)
Barriers to escaping the low-pay no-pay cycle for disadvantaged parents
Poverty is a dynamic process that reflects the shifting nature of individual and household income. Drawing on the findings of a research study supported by the Joseph Rowntree...

Using transport to overcome barriers to regeneration.

Conference Proceeding
McQuaid, R. W. (2003)
Using transport to overcome barriers to regeneration

Opportunities and Challenges of Internet-Based Health Interventions in the Future Internet.

Conference Proceeding
Lim Jumelle, A. K., & Thuemmler, C. (2015)
Opportunities and Challenges of Internet-Based Health Interventions in the Future Internet. In 2015 12th International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations (567-573).
Internet-based health interventions are behavioral treatments aim at changing behaviors to promote healthy living and prevent diseases and illness. This paper first discusses ...

The obstacles to energy saving in residential buildings in Nigeria: stakeholders’ perspectives

Conference Proceeding
Tilde Ibrahim, A., & Fernando, N. (2021)
The obstacles to energy saving in residential buildings in Nigeria: stakeholders’ perspectives. In Proceedings of The 9th World Construction Symposium 2021 (528-539).
Over the past three decades research on energy use in buildings has become significant due to increasing scientific and political pressure on issues concerning global warming ...



