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32 results

Sustainable mountain bike trails: towards a holistic approach

Book Chapter
Campbell, T. (2024)
Sustainable mountain bike trails: towards a holistic approach. In Mountain Biking, Culture and Society (125-140). London: Routledge.
This chapter outlines current approaches towards creating and promoting more sustainable mountain bike trails, and orients these within contemporary theoretical conceptualisat...

Op Weg Naar Sociale Inclusie. In Armoede En Ongelijkheid. Jaarboek 2023

Book Chapter
Mikolajczak-Degrauwe, K., Slimmen, S., Fontein-Kuipers, Y., & Timmermans, O. (2023)
Op Weg Naar Sociale Inclusie. In Armoede En Ongelijkheid. Jaarboek 2023. In J. Coene, T. Ghys, B. Hubeau, S. Marchal, P. Raeymaeckers, R. Remmen, …H. Van Regemortel (Eds.), Armoede en Ongelijkheid. Jaarboek 2023 (317-337). Leuven: Acco Uitgeverij
Mikolajczak-Degrauwe K, Slimmen S, Fontein-Kuipers Y, Timmermans O. Op weg naar sociale inclusie: effecten van een Peer Support-methodiek. In: Coen J, Ghys T, Hubeau B, Marcha...

Vulnerability and Resilience of Refugee Women and Children

Book Chapter
Mwenyango, H., & Palatttiyil, G. (2022)
Vulnerability and Resilience of Refugee Women and Children. In N. Tan, & P. Shajahan (Eds.), Remaking Social Work for the New Global Era (59-76). Cham: Springer.
Although migration is often perceived as an immediate response to humanitarian crises, people affected by forced displacement face significant risks and vulnerability. Drawing...

Empowering Organisations To Embrace UN Sustainable Development Goals: Post-Covid-19 Scotland

Book Chapter
Fonseca, A., Crossan, K., Weaver, M., Tan, H., Bratton, A., & Pershina, E. (in press)
Empowering Organisations To Embrace UN Sustainable Development Goals: Post-Covid-19 Scotland. In W. Leal Filho (Ed.), SDGs in the European Region. Springer
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) argues that the global coronavirus pandemic has caused unimaginable consequences to the global community's economy, social stru...

Law enforcement and mental health: The missing middle

Book Chapter
Thomas, S., White, C., Dougall, N., & Heyman, I. (2022)
Law enforcement and mental health: The missing middle. In I. Bartkowiak-Théron, J. Clover, D. Martin, R. Southby, & N. Crofts (Eds.), Law enforcement and public health: Partners for Community Safety and Wellbeing (111-123). New York: Springer
Commonly, in the course of their duties, the police will come into contact with people who have a lived experience of mental illness. It is acknowledged that these contacts ca...

Policing of Drugs in Scotland: Moving beyond the stalemate to redesigning the chess board

Book Chapter
Fotopoulou, M., & Aston, E. (in press)
Policing of Drugs in Scotland: Moving beyond the stalemate to redesigning the chess board. In M. Bacon, & J. Spicer (Eds.), Drug law enforcement, policing and harm reduction: Ending the stalemate. Routledge
This chapter aims to illuminate aspects of the risk environment within which drugs are consumed and policed in Scotland. Firstly, we focus on the macro-level policy context an...

Discrimination Against Transgender Employees and Jobseekers

Book Chapter
McFadden, C. (2020)
Discrimination Against Transgender Employees and Jobseekers. In Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics (1-14). Springer.
Discrimination against transgender employees and jobseekers is widely reported in multiple contexts. However, there is relative lack of literature on the experiences, extent, ...

History of economic thoughts hidden within the archives of Abrahamic religions

Book Chapter
Khaleel, F., & Avdukic, A. (2020)
History of economic thoughts hidden within the archives of Abrahamic religions. In Islamic Finance Practices: Experiences from South Eastern Europe. Palgrave Macmillan.
The Ibrahimic religions in spite of their theological differences, share many common grounds in their view of right and wrong within relation to persuasion of market regulatio...

Exploring the epistemology of utility function in Islamic economics: Foundation of Islamic finance

Book Chapter
Avdukic, A., & Khaleel, F. (2020)
Exploring the epistemology of utility function in Islamic economics: Foundation of Islamic finance. In V. Efendic (Ed.), Islamic Finance Practices: Experiences from South Eastern Europe. Palgrave Macmillan.
An opinion held by the majority of Muslims scholars, such as, Ibn Tamiyah, supports the contention that each thing or act has an ethical value that can be comprehended through...

Design and Emergent Ethical Crises

Book Chapter
Buwert, P. (2020)
Design and Emergent Ethical Crises. In A. DeRosa, & L. Scherling (Eds.), Ethics in Design and Communication. London: Bloomsbury Publishing
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