Vector continued fraction algorithms.
Roberts, D. E. (1996)
Vector continued fraction algorithms. In R. Ablamowicz, P. Lounesto, & J. M. Parra (Eds.), Clifford algebras with numeric and symbolic computations, 111-119. BioMed Central. doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-8157-4_7
We consider the construction of rational approximations to given power series whose coefficients are vectors. The approximants are in the form of vector-valued continued fract...
On the algebraic foundations of the vector epsilon-algorithm.
Roberts, D. E. (1995)
On the algebraic foundations of the vector epsilon-algorithm. In R. Ablamowicz, & P. Lounesto (Eds.), Clifford algebras and spinor structures: A special volume dedicated to the memory of Albert Crumeyrolle (1919-1992), 343-361. Kluwer Academic
We review the Clifford algebraic foundations of versions of the vector epsilon-algorithm. This involves the formation of rational approximants to vector-valued functions defin...