8 results

Stickers - Portfolio Artefact

Physical Artefact
MacLeod, M., & Macdonald, I. Stickers - Portfolio Artefact

MacLeod, M., & Macdonald, I. Stickers - Portfolio Artefact
Designing for social good framed within an ethical practice has a long tradition informed by the democratic philosophy of John Dewey, but more recently it has been acknowledge...

Aesthetic Justice. Design for a blind-spot culture

Journal Article
Buwert, P. (2017)
Aesthetic Justice. Design for a blind-spot culture. Design Journal, 20(sup1), S38-S48. https://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2017.1353017
This paper presents a conception of aesthetic justice which builds on thoughts of Theodor Adorno and Wolfgang Welsch and attempts to reconcile design’s relationships with both...

Potentiality: the ethical foundation of design

Journal Article
Buwert, P. (2017)
Potentiality: the ethical foundation of design. Design Journal, 20(sup1), S4459-S4467. https://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2017.1352942
This paper presents the argument that design is by nature an activity which extends and transforms potentiality and that therefore, because of this, it is always an ethical ac...

Uncertainty determination of in situ airborne sound insulation measurements

Journal Article
Machimbarrena, M., Monteiro, C. R. A., Pedersoli, S., Johansson, R., & Smith, S. (2015)
Uncertainty determination of in situ airborne sound insulation measurements. Applied Acoustics, 89, 199-210. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2014.09.018
In building acoustics the measurement uncertainty of sound insulation measurements is traditionally either not reported or reported as stated in the corresponding standard ISO...

Research knowledge transfer and testing facilities ot Scottish universities.

Presentation / Conference
Smith, S. (2008, January)
Research knowledge transfer and testing facilities ot Scottish universities. Paper presented at Scottish Construction Centre
No abstract available.

A guide for housing and sound insulation.

Smith, S., Wood, J. & MacKenzie, R. (2005)
A guide for housing and sound insulation.

Previsione della "Transmission Loss" di pareti in mattone forato utilizzando il metodo SEA.

Conference Proceeding
Fringuellino, M., & Smith, S. (1998)
Previsione della "Transmission Loss" di pareti in mattone forato utilizzando il metodo SEA. In Atti del XXVII Convegno nazionale Associazione Italiana Acustica, 103-107
No abstract available.

Update report on additional theoretical investigations into inter-laboratory results

Presentation / Conference
Smith, S. (1998, January)
Update report on additional theoretical investigations into inter-laboratory results. Paper presented at CEN TC126 WG1 AhG4, Munich



