3 results
8 results

Stretchable Piezoionic/Piezoelectric gel membrane with controlled data analysis using machine learning for electromechanical sensing

2024 - 2025
In this project the team will develop a next generation of ionic gel-based piezoelectric membrane-based hearing sensors that have a potential response to mHz to MHz frequency range and low power requ...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £14,000

PiezoACT membranes: Piezo-Active Nanofibrous Self-decontaminating Facemasks/Filters using Solution Blow Spinning in Egypt

2022 - 2022
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, facemasks have been in short supply in particular for health care workers who should be fully safeguarded to protect health system from being overwhelmed. The...
Funder: British Council | Value: £79,920

Development of improved nanocellulose based rheology modifiers for personal care products

2021 - 2021
With an ever increasing push towards sustainability and environmentally friendly products, Unilever is actively evaluating bio-based functional materials for use in Home and Personal Care products (HP...
Funder: University of Stratchlyde (Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre) | Value: £24,828

Seaweed CNF reinforced composites for cycle seat padding

2021 - 2021
This is for an Innovation voucher to enable comparative testing of seaweed CNF based composites with existing silicone based material used in seat padding for cycling. The industrial partner is Endura...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £13,058

Bike Saddle Design

2020 - 2021
With an increased number of people taking to their bikes through the current Covid 19 pandemic and cycling being seen as part of the transport and delivery solutions in the future, particularly when a...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

BikeSenz: getting to grips with cyclists' comfort.

2019 - 2019
Although the overall benefits of cycling to health and wellbeing are well understood, the prevalence of several painful and debilitating injuries of the wrist, including ulnar neuropathy and carpal tu...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,999

Design a smart system for pathogens detection in bathing waters

2019 - 2025
Monitoring the quality of recreational waters such as beaches and rivers is becoming a global concern to protect human health (e.g. the EU Bathing Water Directive (BWD) in Europe). In Scotland, water ...
Funder: Data Lab | Value: £38,822

Reactec vibrotactile threshold testing

2018 - 2018
Design and construct reaction frame for undertaking vibrotactile threshold testing for hand held power tools.
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,948