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50 results

Review and Critical Analysis of Privacy-preserving Infection Tracking and Contact Tracing

Journal Article
Buchanan, W. J., Imran, M. A., Ur-Rehman, M., Zhang, L., Abbasi, Q. H., Chrysoulas, C., …Papadopoulos, P. (2020)
Review and Critical Analysis of Privacy-preserving Infection Tracking and Contact Tracing. Frontiers in Communications and Networks,
The outbreak of viruses have necessitated contact tracing and infection tracking methods. Despite various efforts, there is currently no standard scheme for the tracing and tr...

BeepTrace: Blockchain-enabled Privacy-preserving Contact Tracing for COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond

Journal Article
Xu, H., Zhang, L., Onireti, O., Fang, Y., Buchanan, W. J., & Imran, M. A. (2021)
BeepTrace: Blockchain-enabled Privacy-preserving Contact Tracing for COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond. IEEE Internet of Things, 8(5), 3915-3929.
The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has exposed an urgent need for effective contact tracing solutions through mobile phone applications to prevent the infection from spreading ...

Use Of Participatory Apps In Contact Tracing: Options And Implications for Public Health, Privacy and Trust

Buchanan, B., Imran, M., Pagliari, C., Pell, J., & Rimpiläinen, S. (2020)
Use Of Participatory Apps In Contact Tracing: Options And Implications for Public Health, Privacy and Trust. Glasgow: Digital Health and Care Institute, University of Strathclyde
On December 31st, 2019, the World Health Organisation received a report from the Chinese government detailing a cluster of cases of ‘pneumonia of unknown origin’, later identi...

Machine Learning for Health and Social Care Demographics in Scotland

Presentation / Conference
Buchanan, W. J., Smales, A., Lawson, A., & Chute, C. (2019, November)
Machine Learning for Health and Social Care Demographics in Scotland. Paper presented at HEALTHINFO 2019, Valencia, Spain
This paper outlines an extensive study of applying machine learning to the analysis of publicly available health and social care data within Scotland, with a focus on learning...

An AI approach to Collecting and Analyzing Human Interactions with Urban Environments

Journal Article
Ferrara, E., Fragale, L., Fortino, G., Song, W., Perra, C., di Mauro, M., & Liotta, A. (2019)
An AI approach to Collecting and Analyzing Human Interactions with Urban Environments. IEEE Access, 7, 141476-141486.
Thanks to advances in Internet of Things and crowd-sensing, it is possible to collect vast amounts of urban data, to better understand how citizens interact with cities and, i...

Statistical Assessment of IP Multimedia Subsystem in a Softwarized Environment: a Queueing Networks Approach

Journal Article
Di Mauro, M., & Liotta, A. (2019)
Statistical Assessment of IP Multimedia Subsystem in a Softwarized Environment: a Queueing Networks Approach. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 16(4), 1493-1506.
The Next Generation 5G Networks can greatly benefit from the synergy between virtualization paradigms, such as the Network Function Virtualization (NFV), and service provision...

Lightweight Reinforcement Learning for Energy Efficient Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks

Journal Article
Savaglio, C., Pace, P., Aloi, G., Liotta, A., & Fortino, G. (2019)
Lightweight Reinforcement Learning for Energy Efficient Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Access, 7, 29355-29364.
High-density communications in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) demand for new approaches to meet stringent energy and spectrum requirements. We turn to reinforcement learning,...

Analyzing Objective and Subjective Data in Social Sciences: Implications for Smart Cities

Journal Article
Erhan, L., Ndubuaku, M., Ferrara, E., Richardson, M., Sheffield, D., Ferguson, F. J., …Liotta, A. (2019)
Analyzing Objective and Subjective Data in Social Sciences: Implications for Smart Cities. IEEE Access, 7, 19890-19906.
The ease of deployment of digital technologies and the Internet of Things gives us the opportunity to carry out large-scale social studies and to collect vast amounts of data ...

Interference graphs to monitor and control schedules in low-power WPAN

Journal Article
van der Lee, T., Liotta, A., & Exarchakos, G. (2019)
Interference graphs to monitor and control schedules in low-power WPAN. Future Generation Computer Systems, 93, 111-120.
Highlights • This study presents the complete and slotted interference graph model. • The service uses the complete interference graph to evaluate the network. • Slotted int...

Scalable training of artificial neural networks with adaptive sparse connectivity inspired by network science

Journal Article
Mocanu, D. C., Mocanu, E., Stone, P., Nguyen, P. H., Gibescu, M., & Liotta, A. (2018)
Scalable training of artificial neural networks with adaptive sparse connectivity inspired by network science. Nature Communications, 9(1), 1-12.
Through the success of deep learning in various domains, artificial neural networks are currently among the most used artificial intelligence methods. Taking inspiration from ...
14 results

Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered dashboard for COVID-19 related public sentiment and opinion mining in social media platforms

2020 - 2020
: The project will aid in understanding and mitigating the direct and indirect impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, by creating an AI-driven dashboard for policymakers, public health and clinical practit...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £135,104

Next Generation Trust Architecture

2018 - 2020
This work will provide proof-of-concept infrastructures and which will be used to create an ecosystem for strong use cases, and thus attract new funding for the building of new health and social care ...
Funder: Digital Health Institute | Value: £149,959

Trisent: Innovation Voucher for Personal Context Data Project

2018 - 2018
This is a small project to initiate an engagement following an unsuccessful application for a larger Data Lab project. Trisent’s core technology is called the Personal Context Management System (PCM...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

e-Frail - Phase 2

2017 - 2018
This project aims to extend the existing work with the e-Frail project, and integrate a range of NHS-sourced assessors with care giver and open source gathered assessors, in order to define a weighted...
Funder: Digital Health Institute | Value: £40,484


2014 - 2015
The project has successfully defined the long-term requirements of the solution and also produced a prototype implementing on of these requirements
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

CM2000 Follow On

2014 - 2014
Investigation of Big Data applied into Health and Social Care
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £40,000


2014 - 2014
Weight management is a key health issue within Scotland. The focus of this project is to develop an intelligent online platform for weight management.  The project will use artificial intelligence met...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Trust and Governance Integration into Living It Up (Sitekit)

2013 - 2014
Funder: Scottish Funding Council


2013 - 2015
New ideas are on the way to make healthcare more accurate, more affordable and matching the needs of our changing societies. Demographic changes, progress in technology and in medicine offer options t...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £532,920

Personal health data manager

2012 - 2013
This SE/RSE Enterprise Fellowship aimed to commercialise intellectual property owned by Edinburgh Napier University related to e-Health data management into an end-user product. The project paved the ...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £32,926