55 results

In situ characterization of nanoscale strains in loaded whole joints via synchrotron X-ray tomography

Journal Article
Madi, K., Staines, K., Bay, B., Javaheri, B., Geng, H., Bodey, A., …Lee, P. (2020)
In situ characterization of nanoscale strains in loaded whole joints via synchrotron X-ray tomography. Nature Biomedical Engineering, 4(3), 343-354. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41551-019-0477-1
Imaging techniques for quantifying changes in the hierarchical structure of deforming joints are constrained by destructive sample treatments, sample-size restrictions and len...

Health professionals' lack of knowledge of central venous access devices: the impact on patients

Journal Article
Kelly, L. J., Snowden, A., Paterson, R., & Campbell, K. (2019)
Health professionals' lack of knowledge of central venous access devices: the impact on patients. British Journal of Nursing, 28(14), https://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2019.28.14.S4
Background The literature on patient experience of living with a central venous access device (CVAD) is growing, but remains sparse. It suggests that patients accept CVADs as...

Participation and inclusion: mental health service users' lived experience – an international study.

McKay, E. A., Mahon, D., Donellan, G., Haracz, K., Sheldon, S., & Ryan, S. (2017)
Participation and inclusion: mental health service users' lived experience – an international study. In A. H. Eide, S. Josephsson, & K. Vik (Eds.), Participation in health and welfare services: professional concepts and lived experienceLondon: Taylor & Francis (Routledge
In the UK, progress has been made in terms of awareness of the barriers to participation and social inclusion that is experienced by people with severe and enduring mental hea...

Effectiveness of motivational interviewing on adult behaviour change in health and social care settings: an overview of reviews

Journal Article
Frost, H., Campbell, P., Maxwell, M., O’Carroll, R., Dombrowski, S., Cheyne, H., …Pollock, A. (2016)
Effectiveness of motivational interviewing on adult behaviour change in health and social care settings: an overview of reviews. Physiotherapy, 102(Supplement 1), e59-e60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physio.2016.10.382
No abstract available

How health technology helps promote cardiovascular health outcomes.

Journal Article
Gallagher, R., & Neubeck, L. (2016)
How health technology helps promote cardiovascular health outcomes. The medical journal of Australia, 205(3), 107-108. https://doi.org/10.5694/mja16.00370
Health technology in the hands of cardiac patients — helpful, hindrance, or hesitate to say?

Technical Appendix: TCAT

Campbell, K., & Johnston, L. (2016)
Technical Appendix: TCAT. Scotland: Macmillan Cancer Support
No abstract available.

MyHeartMate: Development of a digital game to improve secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Journal Article
Neubeck, L., Gallagher, R., Ingram, K., Celermajer, D., Schumacher, T., Ferry, C., …Figtree, G. (2016)
MyHeartMate: Development of a digital game to improve secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Heart, Lung and Circulation, 25(Supp2), S329-S330. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hlc.2016.06.780
Background and aim: Low participation in cardiac rehabilitation (CR) means alternative strategies are urgently required to ensure secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseas...

Reflecting on the methodological challenge of recruiting older care home residents to podiatry research

Journal Article
Wylie, G., Young, Z., Littleford, R., Sullivan, F., Williams, B., Menz, H., …Morris, J. (2015)
Reflecting on the methodological challenge of recruiting older care home residents to podiatry research. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 8(supp. 1), https://doi.org/10.1186/1757-1146-8-S1-A10
Introduction Successful randomisd controlled trials (RCTs) require successful participant recruitment; poor recruitment leads to poor, under-powered studies, and may waste gra...

Profile of atrial fibrillation inpatients: cardiovascular risk factors and cardiac rehabilitation programme delivery and referral patterns: atrial fibrillation inpatient profile

Journal Article
Gallagher, R., Zhang, L., Roach, K., Sadler, L., Belshaw, J., Kirkness, A., …Neubeck, L. (2015)
Profile of atrial fibrillation inpatients: cardiovascular risk factors and cardiac rehabilitation programme delivery and referral patterns: atrial fibrillation inpatient profile. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 21(6), 749-755. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijn.12337
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is increasingly common; however, the cardiovascular risk factor profile and the patterns of delivery and referral to cardiac rehabilitation (CR) in th...

A meta-ethnography of organisational culture in primary care medical practice

Journal Article
Grant, S., Guthrie, B., Entwistle, V., & Williams, B. (2014)
A meta-ethnography of organisational culture in primary care medical practice. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 28(1), 21-40. https://doi.org/10.1108/JHOM-07-2012-0125
Purpose – Over the past decade, there has been growing international interest in shaping local organisational cultures in primary healthcare. However, the contextual relevance...