20 results

Transition into remote and rural nurse education and careers: a qualitative study of student nurses

Journal Article
Kyle, R. G., Beattie, M., & Smith, A. (2020)
Transition into remote and rural nurse education and careers: a qualitative study of student nurses. Journal of Research in Nursing, 25(6-7), 509-520. https://doi.org/10.1177/1744987120908911
Background: Global nurse shortages present a threat to the sustainability of remote and rural healthcare. Interventions have been developed to support recruitment and retentio...

Sun protection education for adolescents: a feasibility study of a wait-list controlled trial of an intervention involving a presentation, action planning, and SMS messages and using objective measurement of sun exposure

Journal Article
Hubbard, G., Cherrie, J., Gray, J., Kyle, R. G., Nioi, A., Wendelboe-Nelson, C., …Dombrowski, S. (2020)
Sun protection education for adolescents: a feasibility study of a wait-list controlled trial of an intervention involving a presentation, action planning, and SMS messages and using objective measurement of sun exposure. BMC Public Health, 20, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-8265-0
Background: People increase their risk of melanoma unless they are protected from the harmful effects of sun exposure during childhood and adolescence. We aimed to assess the ...

Population health as a 'platform' for nurse education: A qualitative study of nursing leaders

Journal Article
Lasater, K., Atherton, I. M., & Kyle, R. G. (2020)
Population health as a 'platform' for nurse education: A qualitative study of nursing leaders. Nurse Education Today, 86, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2019.104313
Background: Challenges to the sustainability of global healthcare systems are prompting a shift towards more population-focused models of care. Nurse educators need to develop...

Zooming out to prioritise population health in nurse education

Journal Article
Lasater, K., Kyle, R. G., & Atherton, I. M. (2019)
Zooming out to prioritise population health in nurse education. Collegian, 26(5), 511-513. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colegn.2019.09.007
In this Editorial, we argue that zooming out to prioritise population health in nurse education can: (1) Redefine population health as praxis; (2) Reposition nursing as a sign...

Health-related behaviors of nurses and other healthcare professionals: a cross-sectional study using the Scottish Health Survey

Journal Article
Schneider, A., Bak, M., Mahoney, C., Hoyle, L., Ba, K., Atherton, I. M., & Kyle, R. G. (2019)
Health-related behaviors of nurses and other healthcare professionals: a cross-sectional study using the Scottish Health Survey. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75(6), 1239-1251. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.13926
Aims: To estimate the prevalence and co-occurrence of health-related behaviours among nurses in Scotland relative to other healthcare workers and those in non-healthcare occup...

Media Depictions of “Unacceptable” Workplace Violence towards Nurses

Journal Article
Hoyle, L., Smith, E., Mahoney, C., & Kyle, R. (2018)
Media Depictions of “Unacceptable” Workplace Violence towards Nurses. Policy, Politics, and Nursing Practice, doi:10.1177/1527154418802488
Violence and aggression towards nurses are global concerns. Despite repeated research on causal factors and widespread “zero tolerance” campaigns, rates of violence and aggres...

‘Hopeful adaptation’ in health geographies: Seeking health and wellbeing in times of adversity

Journal Article
Power, A., Bell, S. L., Kyle, R. G., & Andrews, G. J. (2019)
‘Hopeful adaptation’ in health geographies: Seeking health and wellbeing in times of adversity. Social Science and Medicine, 231, 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.09.021
Living with adversity can create wide-ranging challenges for people's health and wellbeing. This adversity may arise through personal embodied difference (e.g. acquiring a bra...

Promoting sunscreen use and skin self-examination to improve early detection and prevent skin cancer: quasi-experimental trial of an adolescent psycho-educational intervention

Journal Article
Hubbard, G., Kyle, R. G., Neal, R. D., Marmara, V., Wang, Z., & Dombrowski, S. U. (2018)
Promoting sunscreen use and skin self-examination to improve early detection and prevent skin cancer: quasi-experimental trial of an adolescent psycho-educational intervention. BMC Public Health, 18(1), https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5570-y
Background: Skin cancer rates are increasing. Interventions to increase adolescent sunscreen use and skin self-examination (SSE) are required. Methods: Quasi-experimental desi...

Walking groups for women with breast cancer: mobilising therapeutic assemblages of walk, talk and place

Journal Article
Ireland, A. V., Finnegan-John, J., Hubbard, G., Scanlon, K., & Kyle, R. G. (2019)
Walking groups for women with breast cancer: mobilising therapeutic assemblages of walk, talk and place. Social Science and Medicine, 231, 38-46. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.03.016
Walking is widely accepted as a safe and effective method of promoting rehabilitation and a return to physical activity after a cancer diagnosis. Little research has consider...

Exploring male identity in non-professional carers of someone with cancer: preliminary analysis

Presentation / Conference
Young, J., Snowden, A., Stenhouse, R., & Kyle, R. (2018, March)
Exploring male identity in non-professional carers of someone with cancer: preliminary analysis. Poster presented at British Psych-Oncology Society Annual Conference
Background Across the world the majority of home‐based care for ill family members is carried out by women. Consequently, research in this field has predominately focused on ...
6 results

Slowing the flow of zero day admissions to hospital: data linkage to inform intervention prioritisation along paediatric referral pathways

2019 - 2021
The number of children admitted to Scottish hospitals continues to rise, and this is due to cases admitted and discharged on the same day (“zero day admissions”). We do not currently know how best to ...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £19,237

A brief school-based intervention to reduce sunburn in adolescence: A feasibility study

2018 - 2018
Lay summary: The sun can be harmful. If children/adolescents get sunburnt five or more times, they are twice as likely to get skin cancer as an adult. The sun can be beneficial. It is a source of vita...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £1,273

Supporting Recovery Through Integration: What Works? What Doesn’t?

2017 - 2017
Integration of health and social care services is happening across the United Kingdom. Integrating services is important as it puts more focus on supporting the lives – not just the health – of indivi...
Funder: Economic and Social Research Council | Value: £703

Low uptake of physical activity programmes by men; why don’t they go?

2016 - 2022
This nurse-led project will be an interdisciplinary collaboration between leading researchers working in Edinburgh Napier University, in the University of Sydney, and Flinders University, Adelaide Aus...
Funder: Burdett Trust for Nursing | Value: £190,986

Improving early detection of melanoma by increasing young people’s awareness of symptoms, skin self-examination and communication: A quasi-experimental trial with embedded process evaluation

2016 - 2017
Aims To adapt our existing brief school-based psycho-educational cancer awareness intervention to focus exclusively on increasing early detection of melanoma among young people (14-15 years) and test ...
Funder: Melanoma Focus

Career trajectories of Nurses in Scotland 2001-2011

2015 - 2016
Background Evidence-informed recruitment and retention strategies are required to ensure the nursing workforce has sufficient capacity and capability to deliver care to Scotland’s population. Current ...
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £5,000

