15 results

Nanoparticle interactions with zinc and iron: Implications for toxicology and inflammation

Journal Article
Wilson, M. R., Foucaud, L., Barlow, P. G., Hutchison, G. R., Sales, J., Simpson, R. J., & Stone, V. (2007)
Nanoparticle interactions with zinc and iron: Implications for toxicology and inflammation. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 225(1), 80-89. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.taap.2007.07.012
Particulate air pollution (PM10) consists of a mixture of components, including nanoparticles and metals. Studies from our laboratory have demonstrated that transition metals ...

Serum exposed to nanoparticle carbon black displays increased potential to induce macrophage migration

Journal Article
Barlow, P., Donaldson, K., MacCallum, J., Clouter, A., & Stone, V. (2005)
Serum exposed to nanoparticle carbon black displays increased potential to induce macrophage migration. Toxicology Letters, 155(3), 397-401. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxlet.2004.11.006
Objective: To assess whether fine and ultrafine particles (nanoparticles) have the capacity to activate factors in serum that would induce macrophage migration. This is a mode...

The Effects of Air Pollution Particles on Clearance Mechanisms Within the Lung

Barlow, P. G. The Effects of Air Pollution Particles on Clearance Mechanisms Within the Lung. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/1052591
The effects of inhaled aIr pollution particles on lung clearance mechanisms is an important factor in understanding how the mammalian lung deals with such pollutants and, as s...

Nanoparticle and metal interactions and their impact on lung toxicology

Conference Proceeding
Wilson, M. R., Barlow, P. G., Hutchison, G. R., Guy, K., Griffiths, A., Simpson, R. J., …Stone, V. (2004)
Nanoparticle and metal interactions and their impact on lung toxicology. In Proceedings of the Ninth Annual UK Review Meeting on Outdoor and Indoor Air Pollution Research, 48-50. ISBN 1 899110 88 7
No abstract available.

Pro-inflammatory interactions between particles, metals and lung cells

Conference Proceeding
Donaldson, K., Hibbs, L., Heal, M., Tran, C. L., Lightbody, J., Barlow, P. G., …Stone, V. (2003)
Pro-inflammatory interactions between particles, metals and lung cells. In Effects of Air Contaminants on the Respiratory Tract - Interpretations from Molecules to Meta Analysis, 245-258. ISBN 978-3-8167-6478-6
No abstract available.
8 results

Entrepreneur-in-Residence 2020-2023 - Robert Goodfellow

2021 - 2023
The Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence (EiR) scheme, part of the Science, Industry and Translation programme, aims to increase the knowledge and awareness in UK universities of cutting edge indus...
Funder: Royal Society

Host Defence Peptides as novel modulators of autophagy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

2019 - 2022
Increasing numbers of patients are diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) each year, both in the United Kingdom and worldwide. Most drugs in current use for the treatment of IBD target the im...
Funder: The Daphne Jackson Trust | Value: £83,167

EEID travel award: Understanding transmission dynamics for bacterial zoonoses in humans, goats and camels among pastoral communities in Northern Kenya

2019 - 2019
EEID travel award: Understanding transmission dynamics for bacterial zoonoses in humans, goats and camels among pastoral communities in Northern Kenya
Funder: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council | Value: £1,960

Cathelicidins as Novel Therapeutic Antivirals for Dengue Infection

2019 - 2022
A significant challenge faced by modern society is the lack of therapeutics for a large number of infections, particularly those that are endemic or widely spread in developing countries. Dengue is on...
Funder: Medical Research Council | Value: £269,873

TRANSFORM - Education reform project – Improving Research capability in the Sri Lankan Higher Education sector.

2018 - 2019
TRANSFORM - Education reform project – Improving Research capability in the Sri Lankan Higher Education sector.
Funder: British Council | Value: £75,000

Electrolysed Water for Post-Harvest Washing (JadooJal)

2017 - 2019
assist the development of a novel electrolysed water based application to reduce spoilage and microbial contamination of a variety of fresh produce types of importance to Indian commerce.
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £231,163

Cathelicidins as novel therapeutic antiviral agents in Rhinovirus infection

2015 - 2017
We have identified the human cathelicidn LL-37 as having potent direct antiviral activity against human rhinovirus (HRV), together with the capacity to alter death pathways in HRV-infected cells, as a...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £163,152

The Antiviral activities of the cationic host defence peptide LL-37 against Rhinovirus

2013 - 2014
A pump-priming proposal designed to investigate the potential for LL-37, a human cationic host defence peptide, to inhibit Rhinovirus infection and/or target cells infected with Rhinovirus for inducti...
Funder: Tenovus Scotland | Value: £10,000

