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8 results

Patient and family centered actionable processes of care and performance measures for persistent and chronic critical illness: a systematic review.

Journal Article
Rose, L., Istanboulian, L., Allum, L., Burry, L., Dale, C., Hart, N., …Connolly, B. (2019)
Patient and family centered actionable processes of care and performance measures for persistent and chronic critical illness: a systematic review. Critical Care Explorations, 1(4),
Objective To identify actionable processes of care, quality indicators, or performance measures and their evidence base relevant to patients with persistent or chronic critica...

A qualitative study of experiences of health and social care in home mechanical ventilation

Journal Article
MacLaren, J., Smith, P., Rodgers, S., Bateman, A. P., & Ramsay, P. (2019)
A qualitative study of experiences of health and social care in home mechanical ventilation. Nursing Open, 6(2), 283-292.
Aim To contribute insight into health and social care integration through an exploration of the care experiences of adults with degenerative neuromuscular conditions who use a...

Unplanned early hospital readmission among critical care survivors: a mixed methods study of patients and carers

Journal Article
Donaghy, E., Salisbury, L., Lone, N. I., Lee, R., Ramsey, P., Rattray, J. E., & Walsh, T. S. (2018)
Unplanned early hospital readmission among critical care survivors: a mixed methods study of patients and carers. BMJ quality & safety,
Background Many intensive care (ICU) survivors experience early unplanned hospital readmission, but the reasons and potential prevention strategies are poorly understood. We ...

Predicting risk of unplanned hospital readmission in survivors of critical illness: a population-level cohort study

Journal Article
Lone, N. I., Lee, R., Salisbury, L., Donaghy, E., Ramsay, P., Rattray, J., & Walsh, T. S. (2019)
Predicting risk of unplanned hospital readmission in survivors of critical illness: a population-level cohort study. Thorax, 75(11), 1046-1054.
Background Intensive care unit survivors experience high levels of morbidity after hospital discharge and are at high risk of unplanned hospital readmission. Identifying those...

Patient- and family-centered performance measures focused on actionable processes of care for persistent and chronic critical illness: protocol for a systematic review

Journal Article
Rose, L., Istanboulian, L., Allum, L., Burry, L., Dale, C., Hart, N., …Connolly, B. (2017)
Patient- and family-centered performance measures focused on actionable processes of care for persistent and chronic critical illness: protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 6,
Background: Approximately 5 to 10% of critically ill patients transition from acute critical illness to a state of persistent and in some cases chronic critical illness. Thes...

‘Intensive care unit survivorship’ - a constructivist grounded theory of surviving critical illness

Journal Article
Kean, S., Salisbury, L. G., Rattray, J., Walsh, T. S., Huby, G., & Ramsay, P. (2017)
‘Intensive care unit survivorship’ - a constructivist grounded theory of surviving critical illness. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(19-20), 3111-3124.
Aims & objective To theorise ICU survivorship after a critical illness based on longitudinal qualitative data. Background Increasingly patients survive episodes of critical il...

Patient and carer experience of hospital-based rehabilitation from intensive care to hospital discharge: mixed methods process evaluation of the RECOVER randomised clinical trial

Journal Article
Ramsay, P., Huby, G., Merriweather, J., Salisbury, L., Rattray, J., Griffith, D., & Walsh, T. (2016)
Patient and carer experience of hospital-based rehabilitation from intensive care to hospital discharge: mixed methods process evaluation of the RECOVER randomised clinical trial. BMJ Open, 6(8),
Objectives To explore and compare patient/carer experiences of rehabilitation in the intervention and usual care arms of the RECOVER trial (ISRCTN09412438); a randomised contr...

PReventing early unplanned hOspital readmission aFter critical ILlnEss (PROFILE): protocol and analysis framework for a mixed methods study

Journal Article
Walsh, T. S., Salisbury, L., Donaghy, E., Ramsay, P., Lee, R., Rattray, J., & Lone, N. (2016)
PReventing early unplanned hOspital readmission aFter critical ILlnEss (PROFILE): protocol and analysis framework for a mixed methods study. BMJ Open, 6(6),
Introduction Survivors of critical illness experience multidimensional disabilities that reduce quality of life, and 25–30% require unplanned hospital readmission within 3 mo...