38 results

How can marine ecology contribute to the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning debate?

Emmerson, M., & Huxham, M. (2001)
How can marine ecology contribute to the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning debate?. In Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning : synthesis and perspectives, 139-146. Oxford University Press (OUP

The effects of the adult density of Macoma balthica on the recruitment of juvenile bivalves: a field experiment

Journal Article
Richards, M., Edwards, F., & Huxham, M. (2002)
The effects of the adult density of Macoma balthica on the recruitment of juvenile bivalves: a field experiment. Journal of Sea Research, 47(1), (41-54). doi:10.1016/s1385-1101(01)00101-0. ISSN 1385-1101
Populations of intertidal bivalves are patchily distributed at a variety of scales, and the distributions of adults and juveniles are often different. Adult-juvenile interacti...

Respiration rates in Littorina littorea infected with three species of digenean parasite

Journal Article
Huxham, M., Maitland, D., & Mocogni, M. (2001)
Respiration rates in Littorina littorea infected with three species of digenean parasite. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 81(02), (351-352). doi:10.1017/s0025315401003885. ISSN 0025-3154
The gastropod Littorina littorea shows increased mortality in the summer months when infected with digenean parasites. One possible cause of this mortality is impaired respira...

Why conserve wild species?

Huxham, M. (1999)
Why conserve wild species?. In Science and environmental decision making, 142-168. Prentice Hall (Pearson Education

Science and the search for truth

Huxham, M. (1999)
Science and the search for truth. In Science and environmental decision making, 1-32. Prentice Hall (Pearson Education

Predation: a causal mechanism for variability in intertidal bivalve populations

Journal Article
Richards, M. G., Huxham, M., & Bryant, A. (1999)
Predation: a causal mechanism for variability in intertidal bivalve populations. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 241(2), (159-177). doi:10.1016/s0022-0981(99)00075-1. ISSN 0022-0981
Two caging experiments were conducted on an intertidal mudflat to assess the impact of predation on two species of bivalves; Macoma balthica and Cerastoderma edule. The first ...

Predator caging experiments: a test of the importance of scale

Journal Article
Fernandes, T. F., Huxham, M., & Piper, S. R. (1999)
Predator caging experiments: a test of the importance of scale. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 241(1), (137-154). doi:10.1016/s0022-0981(99)00076-3. ISSN 0022-0981
The impact of predators is often relative to the spatial scale at which the study is conducted. In this paper we investigated how spatial scale might influence the importance ...

The European Water Framework Directive: a new era in the management of aquatic ecosystem health?

Journal Article
Pollard, P., & Huxham, M. (1998)
The European Water Framework Directive: a new era in the management of aquatic ecosystem health?. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 8(6), 773-792. https://doi.org/10.1002/%28SICI%291099-0755%281998110%298%3A63.0.CO%3B2-R
1. The forthcoming European Commission Water Framework Directive will introduce catchment management throughout Europe, and could have major impacts on the conservation and re...

Some problems for food web theory illustrated with a mixed predator/prey/parasite web

Conference Proceeding
Huxham, M. (1997)
Some problems for food web theory illustrated with a mixed predator/prey/parasite web. In Proceedings of the Third Scientific Symposium of the North Sea Task Force
Some problems for food web theory illustrated with a mixed predator/prey/parasite web

Sustainable fisheries or sustained decline? Lobster stock conservation and enhancement in Ireland and Orkney.

Huxham, M. (1996)
Sustainable fisheries or sustained decline? Lobster stock conservation and enhancement in Ireland and Orkney. Orkney, Scotland: Orkney Fishermen's Association
Sustainable fisheries or sustained decline? Lobster stock conservation and enhancement in Ireland and Orkney.


