
4 results

Accelerating the development of a psychological intervention to support treatment decision-making capacity in psychosis: Feasibility of an Umbrella trial.

2019 - 2023
Clinicians are legally and ethically obliged to respect patients’ autonomy and the decisions patients make about their treatment, unless they lack “capacity” for such decision making. In the last 10 ...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £309,226

Understanding and Maximising the Roles and Contributions of NHS Chaplains across UK

2019 - 2019
The NHS in the UK employs an estimated 1,500+ chaplains. Chaplains deliver specialist spiritual care to patients and staff across the NHS, offering comfort to those of all faith and none. Despite the ...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £29,626

Law enforcement and public health: Assessing risk and vulnerability

2017 - 2018
The aim of the project is to conduct a systematic review and host round-table discussions to explore the use of police discretion when making decisions in relation to individuals' vulnerability.
Funder: Scottish Institute for Policing Research | Value: £7,986

The Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland: The views and experiences of patients, Named Persons, Practitioners and Tribunal members

2017 - 2022
The Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland became operational in 2005. It plays an integral role in guaranteeing the rights of patients with mental disorder as originally identified in the Millan Princip...
Funder: Nuffield Foundation | Value: £260,154


