14 results

"The Arcade" at Cheltenham Science Festival (Curator)

Exhibition / Performance
Kerr, G. (2022)
"The Arcade" at Cheltenham Science Festival (Curator). [Exhibition]. Exhibited at Cheltenham Science Festival, Imperial Gardens, Cheltenham. 7 June 2022 - 12 June 2022. (Unpublished
The game is on – get set for an awesome adventure in The Arcade and put your skills to the test in a series of fun, creative and cryptic challenges. Can you make, break and cr...

Unlock & Revive: The ingredients needed to deliver accessible online cultural and heritage events that bring positive benefits to people living with dementia

Stewart, H., Smith, S., Baxter, R., Ali-Knight, J., & Kerr, G. (2022)
Unlock & Revive: The ingredients needed to deliver accessible online cultural and heritage events that bring positive benefits to people living with dementia. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Napier University
Unlock & Revive is a multi-disciplinary action-research project that involves multiple partners. It is a highly collaborative project aimed at supporting the wellbeing of peop...

The ‘Senses Framework’: A relationship-centred approach to co-producing dementia events in order to allow people to live well after a dementia diagnosis

Journal Article
Stewart, H., Ali-Knight, J., Stephen, S., & Kerr, G. (2022)
The ‘Senses Framework’: A relationship-centred approach to co-producing dementia events in order to allow people to live well after a dementia diagnosis. Event Management, 26(1), 157-175. https://doi.org/10.3727/152599521X16192004803683
Dementia is a progressive disorder that affects how the brain works, and in particular the ability to remember, think and reason. It affects speech, mood, mobility, behavior a...

Scottish Parliament Citizens’ Panel on COVID-19

Citizens’ Panel Steering Group, . (2021)
Scottish Parliament Citizens’ Panel on COVID-19. https://archive2021.parliament.scot/20210218CVDCitizensPanelReportFinal.pdf: Scottish Parliament
This Citizens’ Panel was commissioned by the Scottish Parliament’s COVID-19 Committee. Its findings will support the COVID-19 Committee’s work to scrutinise the Scottish Gover...

Four shades of science festival: a qualitative study exploring the business and management dimensions of science festivals in the United Kingdom

Kerr, G. Four shades of science festival: a qualitative study exploring the business and management dimensions of science festivals in the United Kingdom. (Thesis)
University of Salford. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/2725841
Science festivals are a global cultural phenomenon with at least 60 such festivals taking place across the UK every year. Science festivals fulfil a unique function within civ...

Policy During a Pandemic: How to Make Research Accessible for Policymakers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Kerr, G., & Heath, E. (2020)
Policy During a Pandemic: How to Make Research Accessible for Policymakers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. https://blog.ucsusa.org/science-blogger/how-to-make-research-accessible-for-policymakers-during-covid-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of effective science communication – in particular, the vital importance of making research accessible for policymakers. H...

PP2ACdc55’s role in reductional chromosome segregation during achiasmate meiosis in budding yeast is independent of its FEAR function

Journal Article
Kerr, G. W., Wong, J. H., & Arumugam, P. (2016)
PP2ACdc55’s role in reductional chromosome segregation during achiasmate meiosis in budding yeast is independent of its FEAR function. Scientific Reports, 6(1), https://doi.org/10.1038/srep30397
PP2ACdc55 is a highly conserved serine-threonine protein phosphatase that is involved in diverse cellular processes. In budding yeast, meiotic cells lacking PP2ACdc55 activity...

Dissemination of Solar Energy Technologies for Rural Electrification in Kenya – Challenges & Opportunities

Kerr, G., & Amakobe, W. (2014)
Dissemination of Solar Energy Technologies for Rural Electrification in Kenya – Challenges & Opportunities. African Centre for Technology Studies
Understanding the challenges and opportunities in the solar energy technology value chain is essential for key actors in order to disseminate these technologies for rural elec...

The role of protein phosphatase PP2ACdc55 during meiosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Kerr, G. The role of protein phosphatase PP2ACdc55 during meiosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (Thesis)
University of Warwick. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/1596320
Meiosis is a specialised cell division that results in the formation of four genetically unique haploid daughter cells from one diploid parent cell. This is achieved by one ro...

Genetics Healthcare & Public Health Screening in Scotland

Kerr, G. (2012)
Genetics Healthcare & Public Health Screening in Scotland. The Scottish Parliament
This briefing describes genetic healthcare services and public health screening programmes in Scotland. It includes a brief introduction to genetics in relation to healthcare;...




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Research Areas
