13 results

The human papillomavirus and HPV vaccine: accounts from young people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups in Scotland aged 16-26 years

Presentation / Conference
Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., Gray-Brunton, C., Kennedy, C., Hogg, R., Pow, J., …Hanif, N. (2016, April)
The human papillomavirus and HPV vaccine: accounts from young people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups in Scotland aged 16-26 years. Paper presented at RCN International Nursing Research Conference 2016
Background: School nurses play important roles in delivering human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programme in United Kingdom. International research indicates lower HPV vac...

‘I didn’t think men were affected’: Scottish and Spanish men’s constructions of risks, responsibilities and knowledge in relation to the HPV vaccine.

Presentation / Conference
Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., Gray Brunton, C., Gullone, A., Pow, J., Petrova, D., & Garcia-Retamero, R. (2015, July)
‘I didn’t think men were affected’: Scottish and Spanish men’s constructions of risks, responsibilities and knowledge in relation to the HPV vaccine. Paper presented at 9th Biennial International Society of Critical Health Psychology Conference
European vaccine policy predominantly targets preadolescent girls prior to sexual debut in HPV vaccine campaigns. Boys and young men are currently excluded in such single-gend...

Young men’s constructions of the HPV vaccine from the United States: ‘It’s optional but not crucial to health’.

Presentation / Conference
Whittaker, A., Carnegie, E., Todorova, I., & Gray Brunton, C. (2015, July)
Young men’s constructions of the HPV vaccine from the United States: ‘It’s optional but not crucial to health’. Paper presented at 9th Biennial Ineternational Society of Critical Health Psychology Grahamstown, Conference
Since 2011 the United States has licensed the HPV vaccine for use amongst boys and young men. The vaccine is provided through personal health insurance. The aim of this study ...

