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285 results

Patients’ support needs during and after the critical illness event: a scoping review

Presentation / Conference
Ramsay, P. (2018, December)
Patients’ support needs during and after the critical illness event: a scoping review. Poster presented at Intensive Care Society: State of the Art, 2018
Background Intensive care survivors suffer chronic and potentially life-changing physical, psychosocial and cognitive sequelae, and supporting recovery is an international pri...

Helping Student Nurses Learn the Craft of Compassionate Care: A Relational Model.

Journal Article
Adamson, L. (2018)
Helping Student Nurses Learn the Craft of Compassionate Care: A Relational Model. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 6(3), 91-96.
This on the horizon article proposes a relational model for enabling the development of skills and attributes associated with ‘compassionate craftsmanship’ in the developing n...

Nursing in an age of multimorbidity.

Journal Article
O’Connor, S., Deaton, C., Nolan, F., & Johnston, B. (2018)
Nursing in an age of multimorbidity. BMC Nursing, 17(1), 49.
Background A changing sociodemographic landscape has seen rising numbers of people with two or more long-term health conditions. Multimorbidity presents numerous challenges fo...

An innovative website for ICU survivors and their families:

Presentation / Conference
Ramsay, P. (2018, November)
An innovative website for ICU survivors and their families: Paper presented at Effective Rehabilitation for Patients after Critical Care
No abstract available.

Video lessons from the 'resus' room

Presentation / Conference
Lloyd, A. (2018, November)
Video lessons from the 'resus' room. Presented at Emergency Medicine Research Group Edinburgh 10th Anniversary Conference

A qualitative study of experiences of health and social care in home mechanical ventilation

Journal Article
MacLaren, J., Smith, P., Rodgers, S., Bateman, A. P., & Ramsay, P. (2019)
A qualitative study of experiences of health and social care in home mechanical ventilation. Nursing Open, 6(2), 283-292.
Aim To contribute insight into health and social care integration through an exploration of the care experiences of adults with degenerative neuromuscular conditions who use a...

Caseload profiling in district nursing: a systematic literature review

Journal Article
Harper-McDonald, B., & Baguley, F. (2018)
Caseload profiling in district nursing: a systematic literature review. British Journal of Community Nursing, 23(11), 544-549. doi:10.12968/bjcn.2018.23.11.544
This systematic literature review aims to identify and appraise current evidence to establish if caseload profiling (CP) provides a strategy to support district nurses to evid...

Media Depictions of “Unacceptable” Workplace Violence towards Nurses

Journal Article
Hoyle, L., Smith, E., Mahoney, C., & Kyle, R. (2018)
Media Depictions of “Unacceptable” Workplace Violence towards Nurses. Policy, Politics, and Nursing Practice, doi:10.1177/1527154418802488
Violence and aggression towards nurses are global concerns. Despite repeated research on causal factors and widespread “zero tolerance” campaigns, rates of violence and aggres...

Frightening and Traumatic Memories Early After Intensive Care Discharge

Journal Article
on behalf of the DESIST Investigators, , Train, S., Kydonaki, K., Rattray, J., Stephen, J., Weir, C. J., & Walsh, T. S. (2019)
Frightening and Traumatic Memories Early After Intensive Care Discharge. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 199(1), 120-121. doi:10.1164/rccm.201804-0699le
No abstract available.

1000 hours of observing nurses: Towards a theory of nursing leadership during emergency department resuscitation

Presentation / Conference
Lloyd, A., Black, P., & Clegg, G. (2018, October)
1000 hours of observing nurses: Towards a theory of nursing leadership during emergency department resuscitation. Presented at 3rd Global Conference on Emergency Nursing and Trauma Care
No abstract available.



