27 results

y-Aminobutyric AcidA Receptor Heterogeneity Is Increased by Alternative Splicing of a Novel ?-Subunit Gene Transcript

Journal Article
Bateson, A. N., Lasham, A., & Darlison, M. G. (1991)
y-Aminobutyric AcidA Receptor Heterogeneity Is Increased by Alternative Splicing of a Novel ?-Subunit Gene Transcript. Journal of Neurochemistry, 56(4), 1437-1440. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-4159.1991.tb11443.x
Abstract: DNA sequences encoding two variants of a novel γ-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) receptor β subunit were isolated from an embryonic chicken whole-brain cDNA library and a...

The chicken GABAA receptor α1 subunit: cDNA sequence and localization of the corresponding mRNA

Journal Article
Bateson, A. N., Harvey, R. J., Wisden, W., Glencorse, T. A., Hicks, A. A., Hunt, S. P., …Darlison, M. G. (1991)
The chicken GABAA receptor α1 subunit: cDNA sequence and localization of the corresponding mRNA. Molecular Brain Research, 9(4), 333-339. https://doi.org/10.1016/0169-328x%2891%2990081-8
We report the sequence of a complementary {DNA} (cDNA) that encodes the chicken {GABAA} receptor α1 subunit, which is extremely homologous to mammalian α1 subunits. The distri...

Sequence of the chicken GABAAreceptor β3-subunit cDNA

Journal Article
Bateson, A. N., Harvey, R. J., Bloks, C. C., & Darlison, M. G. (1990)
Sequence of the chicken GABAAreceptor β3-subunit cDNA. Nucleic Acids Research, 18(18), 5557-5557. https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/18.18.5557
No abstract available.

The surface lipid of parasitic nematodes: Organization, and modifications during transition to the mammalian host environment

Journal Article
Proudfoot, L., Kusel, J. R., Smith, H. V., Harnett, W., Worms, M. J., & Kennedy, M. W. (1990)
The surface lipid of parasitic nematodes: Organization, and modifications during transition to the mammalian host environment. Acta tropica, 47(5-6), 323-330. https://doi.org/10.1016/0001-706x%2890%2990033-v
The biophysical properties of the surface lipid of a range of nematode species and their developmental stages were examined, using fluorescent lipid probes and fluorescence re...

Isolation and characterization of the 5′ end of the chicken γ-aminobutyric acid A receptor α 1-subunit gene

Journal Article
Ultsch, A., Bateson, A. N., & Darlison, M. G. (1990)
Isolation and characterization of the 5′ end of the chicken γ-aminobutyric acid A receptor α 1-subunit gene. Transactions, 18(3), 437-438. https://doi.org/10.1042/bst0180437
No abstract available.

Sequence of the chicken GABAAreceptor γ2-subunit cDNA

Journal Article
Glencorse, T. A., Bateson, A. N., & Darlison, M. G. (1990)
Sequence of the chicken GABAAreceptor γ2-subunit cDNA. Nucleic Acids Research, 18(23), 7157-7157. https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/18.23.7157
No abstract available.

Differential distribution in bovine brain of distinct γ-aminobutyric acid A receptor α-subunit mRNAs

Journal Article
WISDEN, W., MORRIS, B. J., DARLISON, M. G., HUNT, S. P., & BARNARD, E. A. (1989)
Differential distribution in bovine brain of distinct γ-aminobutyric acid A receptor α-subunit mRNAs. Transactions, 17(3), 566-567. https://doi.org/10.1042/bst0170566
No abstract available.



