8 results

The ‘Senses Framework’: A relationship-centred approach to co-producing dementia events in order to allow people to live well after a dementia diagnosis

Journal Article
Stewart, H., Ali-Knight, J., Stephen, S., & Kerr, G. (2022)
The ‘Senses Framework’: A relationship-centred approach to co-producing dementia events in order to allow people to live well after a dementia diagnosis. Event Management, 26(1), 157-175. https://doi.org/10.3727/152599521X16192004803683
Dementia is a progressive disorder that affects how the brain works, and in particular the ability to remember, think and reason. It affects speech, mood, mobility, behavior a...

Factors in the provision of engaging experiences for the traditionalist market at visitor attractions

Journal Article
Leask, A., & Barron, P. (2021)
Factors in the provision of engaging experiences for the traditionalist market at visitor attractions. Tourism Management Perspectives, 38, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmp.2021.100810
The global population is ageing with implications for the provision of tourism experiences to meet changing needs. The shift in demographics has encouraged a focus on the olde...

The effect of exporting hospitality and tourism degrees overseas on the home campus: a conceptual model.

Journal Article
Lagiewski, R. M., Barron, P., & Leask, A. (2019)
The effect of exporting hospitality and tourism degrees overseas on the home campus: a conceptual model. Journal of hospitality, leisure, sport & tourism education, 24, 211-222. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhlste.2019.03.005
Hospitality and tourism programmes have, over the recent decades, been involved in the delivery of their degrees in international locations through a variety of export models....

Guest editorial

Journal Article
Platt, L., & Ali-Knight, J. (2018)
Guest editorial. Journal of Place Management and Development, 11(3), 262-265. https://doi.org/10.1108/jpmd-08-2018-131
Authors are guest editors of special issue of Journal to Place Management and Development.

Special Issue: Grassroots Festivals and Place Making

Journal Article
Special Issue: Grassroots Festivals and Place Making. Journal of Place Management and Development, 11(3),
Authors are editors of the special issue to Journal of Place Management and Development.

Special Issue: Critical Event Studies: Issues and Perspectives

Journal Article
Special Issue: Critical Event Studies: Issues and Perspectives. Event Management, 22(6),
Authors are guest editors of a special issue to the journal Event Management.

Host Attitudes towards Guests in the Homestay Sector

Journal Article
Lynch, P. A. (1999)
Host Attitudes towards Guests in the Homestay Sector. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1(2), 119-144. https://doi.org/10.1177/146735849900100203
This paper reports on an investigation into host attitudes towards guests in one segment of the homestay accommodation sector: host families. In addition to discussion of the ...

Entrepreneurship in the small hotel sector

Journal Article
Glancey, K., & Pettigrew, M. (1997)
Entrepreneurship in the small hotel sector. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 9(1), 21-24. https://doi.org/10.1108/09596119710157540
Reports the findings from a study of entrepreneurial activity in the small hotel sector in a Scottish town, St Andrews. Applies bodies of theory on the small entrepreneurial f...