Evaluating the cost of disruption in office retrofit building projects
Conference Proceeding
Tokede, O., Gupta, N., & Wamuziri, S. (2016)
Evaluating the cost of disruption in office retrofit building projects. In Proceedings of 10th ICEC World Congress & Council Meeting (1086-1098
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the cost of disruption in office retrofit building projects.
This work adopts a positivist approach and evaluates the cost of disrup...
A BIM platform for offsite timber construction.
Conference Proceeding
Patlakas, P., Livingstone, A., & Hairstans, R. (2015)
A BIM platform for offsite timber construction
This paper discusses the potential of a BIM platform for offsite timber construction within the context of the UK construction industry. It examines the benefits, limitations,...
Powder-coated Al-clad Windows: characteristics and performance.
Conference Proceeding
Asif, M., Davidson, A., & Muneer, T. (2000)
Powder-coated Al-clad Windows: characteristics and performance. In The Whole-life performance of facades - Proceedings, 63-69
Nor-Dan is the biggest windows manufacturing company in Norway and has been producing aluminium clad windows for the past 30 years. Over the last twenty years, powder coated a...