7 results

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Disabilities in Ukraine: Household Perspectives, Public Health Implications, and Considerations for Emergency and Post-Conflict Recovery

Sharapov, K., Nazarenko, V., Polishchuk, O., & Burova, O. (2023)
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Disabilities in Ukraine: Household Perspectives, Public Health Implications, and Considerations for Emergency and Post-Conflict Recovery. Edinburgh: Arts and Humanities Research Council
This report presents the outcomes of the project's final phase, which evaluated the impact of COVID-19 on people with disabilities in Ukraine. This phase relies on accounts fr...

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Disabilities in Ukraine: Perspectives of People with Disabilities & Implications for Public Health and Other Emergencies, including Conflict and Post-conflict Recovery

Sharapov, K., Anderson, D., Nazarenko, V., Polishchuk, O., & Burova, O. (2022)
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Disabilities in Ukraine: Perspectives of People with Disabilities & Implications for Public Health and Other Emergencies, including Conflict and Post-conflict Recovery. Edinburgh: AHRC

Disability, displacement and COVID-19 in Ukraine: A scoping literature review of emerging challenges and vulnerabilities

Anderson, D., & Sharapov, K. (2022)
Disability, displacement and COVID-19 in Ukraine: A scoping literature review of emerging challenges and vulnerabilities. Edinburgh: AHRC
This paper presents a synthesis of the available literature on the topics of disability, displacement and COVID-19 in Ukraine. The discussion contained here represents a scopi...

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Disabilities in Ukraine (perspectives of organisations of people with disabilities)

Sharapov, K., Anderson, D., Burova, O., Polishchuk, O., & Nazarenko, V. (2022)
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Disabilities in Ukraine (perspectives of organisations of people with disabilities). Edinburgh: Arts and Humanities Research Council
The research presented in this report is based on a survey of non-governmental organisations of people with disabilities in Ukraine (organisations of persons with disabilities...

«Аналіз впливу пандемії COVID-19 на людей з інвалідністю в Україні. Погляд організацій осіб з інвалідністю» [In Ukrainain]

Sharapov, K., Anderson, D., Burova, O., Polishchuk, O., & Nazarenko, V. (2022)
«Аналіз впливу пандемії COVID-19 на людей з інвалідністю в Україні. Погляд організацій осіб з інвалідністю» [In Ukrainain]. Edinburgh: Arts and Humanities Research Council
Дослідження, представлене у цьому звіті, ґрунтується на опитуванні неурядових організацій людей з інвалідністю в Україні. Організаційне дослідження являє собою Фазу 1 більшого...

Use and Implementation of OCR Chapter 33AA in Section 11 Order Proceedings.

Whitecross, R. & Lindsay, C. (2017)
Use and Implementation of OCR Chapter 33AA in Section 11 Order Proceedings. Edinburgh: Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service
This report presents the findings of a small-scale study designed and undertaken by the researchers between October 2016 and February 2017. The research was commissioned by th...

Dissemination of Solar Energy Technologies for Rural Electrification in Kenya – Challenges & Opportunities

Kerr, G., & Amakobe, W. (2014)
Dissemination of Solar Energy Technologies for Rural Electrification in Kenya – Challenges & Opportunities. African Centre for Technology Studies
Understanding the challenges and opportunities in the solar energy technology value chain is essential for key actors in order to disseminate these technologies for rural elec...