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134 results

Facilitators and benefits of implementing lean premise design: A case of Hong Kong high-rise buildings

Journal Article
Lam, E. W., Chan, A. P., Olawumi, T. O., Wong, I., & Kazeem, K. O. (2023)
Facilitators and benefits of implementing lean premise design: A case of Hong Kong high-rise buildings. Journal of Building Engineering, 80, Article 108013. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2023.108013
Defective design, poor stakeholder participation, and a mismatch between design provisions and end-user requirements cause most building construction waste. However, lean buil...

Structural Material Demand and Associated Embodied Carbon Emissions of the United States Building Stock: 2020-2100

Journal Article
Arehart, J., Pomponi, F., D'Amico, B., & Srubar, W. (2022)
Structural Material Demand and Associated Embodied Carbon Emissions of the United States Building Stock: 2020-2100. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 186, Article 106583. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2022.106583
This study uses material flow analysis to estimate the material stocks and flows and associated upfront embodied carbon emissions for gravity building structural systems in th...

Computational singular perturbation analysis of detonation development and intensity at SI engine conditions

Presentation / Conference
Dimitrova, I., Luong, M., Sanal, S., Im, H., & Tingas, S. (2021, December)
Computational singular perturbation analysis of detonation development and intensity at SI engine conditions. Paper presented at 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Computational investigation of the chemical dynamics in detonation development at SI engine conditions

Presentation / Conference
Dimitrova, I. D., Sanal, S., Bau Luong, M., Tingas, S., & Im, H. G. (2021, November)
Computational investigation of the chemical dynamics in detonation development at SI engine conditions. Paper presented at 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Phoenix, Arizona
This study employs algorithmic tools from the computational singular perturbation (CSP) approach and statistics to investigate detonation development in SI engines using 2D si...

Statistics of local and global flame speed and structure for highly turbulent H2/air premixed flames

Journal Article
Song, W., Hernández Pérez, F. E., Tingas, E., & Im, H. G. (2021)
Statistics of local and global flame speed and structure for highly turbulent H2/air premixed flames. Combustion and Flame, 232, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2021.111523
A statistical analysis is conducted for turbulent hydrogen-air premixed flames at a range of Karlovitz numbers up to 1,126 by direct numerical simulations (DNS) with detailed ...

Potential for Carbon-Neutral Advanced Biofuels in UK Road Transport

Journal Article
King, R., & Tingas, E. (2021)
Potential for Carbon-Neutral Advanced Biofuels in UK Road Transport. Journal of Energy Engineering, 147(4), 04021025. https://doi.org/10.1061/%28asce%29ey.1943-7897.0000775
As a result of anthropocentric climate change, there is an urgent need to decarbonize the supply of energy. Organic biomass, referred to as feedstock, can be converted into bi...

Computational analysis of the effect of hydrogen peroxide addition on premixed laminar hydrogen/air flames

Journal Article
Tingas, E. (2021)
Computational analysis of the effect of hydrogen peroxide addition on premixed laminar hydrogen/air flames. Fuel, 302, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2021.121081
In the current work, the effect of H2O2 addition on the flame structure, laminar flame speed and NOx emissions is investigated in the context of 1D laminar premixed H2/air fla...

A mechanism to promote social behaviour in household load balancing

Conference Proceeding
Brooks, N. A., Powers, S. T., & Borg, J. M. (2020)
A mechanism to promote social behaviour in household load balancing. In Proceedings of the Artificial Life Conference 2020 (ALIFE 2020). , (95-103). https://doi.org/10.1162/isal_a_00290
Reducing the peak energy consumption of households is essential for the effective use of renewable energy sources, in order to ensure that as much household demand as possible...

Response of soil bacterial community composition and its associated geochemical parameters to rapid short-term cyclic groundwater-level oscillations: soil column experiments

Journal Article
Xia, X., Cheng, L., Zhu, Y., Liu, Y., Wang, K., Ding, A., …Zuo, L. (2020)
Response of soil bacterial community composition and its associated geochemical parameters to rapid short-term cyclic groundwater-level oscillations: soil column experiments. Vadose Zone Journal, 19(1), https://doi.org/10.1002/vzj2.20011
Groundwater-level oscillations change geochemical conditions, carbon cycling processes and bacterial community composition, and these changes may vary vertically with depth in...

Heat island effects in urban life cycle assessment: Novel insights to include the effects of the urban heat island and UHI‐mitigation measures in LCA for effective policy making

Journal Article
Susca, T., & Pomponi, F. (2020)
Heat island effects in urban life cycle assessment: Novel insights to include the effects of the urban heat island and UHI‐mitigation measures in LCA for effective policy making. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 24(2), 410-423. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.12980
Urbanization often entails a surge in urban temperature compared to the rural surroundings: the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. Such a temperature increase triggers the format...


45 results

Phase I: Innovation and commercialisation of homegrown wood fibre insulation

2021 - 2022
A project that seeks to outline the innovation and commercial use of natural fibre insulation products in the UK. It will be based on a gap analysis of products that are currently available from natu...
Funder: Scottish Forestry | Value: £37,961

HyHo Silver

2021 - 2021
The objective of the project is to examine the practicality of the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) being able to offer a fuel cell / combined heat and power installation at a local jewellery comp...
Funder: Energy Technology Partnership | Value: £10,000

CSIC - Edinburgh Home Demonstrator

2020 - 2024
The “Edinburgh Home Demonstrator” (EHD) Programme seeks to demonstrate the time, cost, quality, and carbon improvements in new affordable housing programme through the following projects: 1.Developmen...
Funder: Built Environment - Smarter Transformation (formerly CSIC) | Value: £208,582

SHELTERs: Sustainable Homes Enabling the Long Term Empowerment of Refugees

2020 - 2025
This project addresses this major moral, humanitarian, and knowledge gap by following on from a highly successful seed-funded project, which developed—through participatory design and interdisciplinar...
Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering | Value: £314,324


2020 - 2020
The collaboration will see the number low carbon energy generation technology scenarios, the joint work will explore the performance parameters of these technologies through the use of real-world inst...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,923

North Lands Creative

2019 - 2019
North Lands Creative is the only open access dedicated glass studio in Scotland and one of a very small number in Europe. Sustainability, perceived environmental impact and cost prevent the facility ...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,995

HyFive - OrkneyCheese

2019 - 2019
This project would facilitate a feasibility study and energy survey for 4 organisations on Orkney, to explore the possibilities of transferring to a low carbon hydrogen fuelled energy system. The over...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,996

HyFive - NorthVet

2019 - 2019
This project would facilitate a feasibility study and energy survey for 4 organisations on Orkney, to explore the possibilities of transferring to a low carbon hydrogen fuelled energy system. The over...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,996

HyFive - SheilaFleet Jewellery

2019 - 2019
This project would facilitate a feasibility study and energy survey for 4 organisations on Orkney, to explore the possibilities of transferring to a low carbon hydrogen fuelled energy system. The over...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,996

Hydrogen Powered Distillery for Orkney

2019 - 2019
A recent study undertaken under the Energy Technology Partnership (PJ0208-EUB) identified hydrogen energy solutions for a craft distillery based on the Islands of Orkney. The proposed solution of uti...
Funder: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy | Value: £44,752