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102 results

Review of Piotr Cap & Urszula Okulska (eds). (2013)Analyzing genres in political communication: Theory and practice

Journal Article
Kranert, M. (2016)
Review of Piotr Cap & Urszula Okulska (eds). (2013)Analyzing genres in political communication: Theory and practice. Journal of Language and Politics, 15(4), 500-503.
Piotr Cap & Urszula Okulska (eds). (2013)Analyzing genres in political communication: Theory and practice

Implementation of the concept of “politically exposed persons (PEPs)” in India

Journal Article
Chhina, R. K. (2017)
Implementation of the concept of “politically exposed persons (PEPs)” in India. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 20(1), 89-98.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to critically examine the concept of “politically exposed persons (PEPs)” as provided under the Indian anti-money laundering (AML) regime,...

The Rawls-Tawney theorem and the political economy of cyberspace.

Presentation / Conference
Duff, A. (2009, January)
The Rawls-Tawney theorem and the political economy of cyberspace. Paper presented at Cyberspace 2009, 7th Annual Conference, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

The Aggregation of Political Rhetoric in Zeitoun

Journal Article
Keeble, A. (2014)
The Aggregation of Political Rhetoric in Zeitoun. Comparative American Studies, 12(3), 173-189.
While the initial literary and cultural response to 9/11 consisted mostly of domestic narratives of trauma and mourning that avoided explicit political discourse, narrative re...

On Political Epunditry

Journal Article
Duff, A. S. (2018)
On Political Epunditry. Journalism Studies, 19(10), 1507-1525.
The article develops the concept of ePunditry, a putative new lens through which to view the work of political blogging and associated digital modes. It starts by describing t...

Wasps in a jam jar: Scottish literary magazine and political culture 1979-1999.

Conference Proceeding
Gunn, L., & McCleery, A. (2009)
Wasps in a jam jar: Scottish literary magazine and political culture 1979-1999. In A. McNair, & J. Ryder (Eds.), Further from the frontiers: crosscurrents in Irish and Scottish studies
No abstract available.

Legal Opinion on reviewing the Administrative Instruction No. 04/2014 on Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs)

Chhina, R. K. (2017)
Legal Opinion on reviewing the Administrative Instruction No. 04/2014 on Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs). Kosovo: Council of Europe
No abstract available.

Doing Politics: Discursivity, performativity and mediation in political discourse

M. Kranert, & G. Horan (Eds.), (2018)
Doing Politics: Discursivity, performativity and mediation in political discourse.
This edited volume explores the discursive, performative and mediated dimensions of contemporary political discourse. The strengths of the volume are manifold: it contains cut...

Implementation of the FATF Recommendations in Developing Countries with special focus on Recommendations 12 and 22 (Politically Exposed Persons): A Case Study from Indian Perspective

Presentation / Conference
Chhina, R. K. (2016, February)
Implementation of the FATF Recommendations in Developing Countries with special focus on Recommendations 12 and 22 (Politically Exposed Persons): A Case Study from Indian Perspective. Paper presented at Academic International Conference on Business, Economics and Management, Dubai
No abstract available.

The Regional Dimension of takeover activity in the United Kingdom

Journal Article
Ashcroft, B., Coppins, B., & Raeside, R. (1994)
The Regional Dimension of takeover activity in the United Kingdom. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 41(2), 163-175.
No abstract available.
10 results

e-Petitioner for English Local Authorities

2004 - 2005
The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister’s Local eDemocracy National Project (March 2004 to March 2005) investigated new channels of participation and piloted various approaches to encourage citizen pa...
Funder: Bristol City Council | Value: £42,000

The Scottish Revival Network

2021 - 2023
The Scottish Revival Network will initiate conversations and debates on the aims, scope, influences and international connections of the Scottish Revival in literature and culture from the 1880s to th...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £19,975

EDEN: Electronic Democracy European Network

2001 - 2004
The EDEN project grew out of the rationale that online information on decision-making leads to greater transparency in governance, as a pre-requisite for online consultation and participation. EDEN ...
Funder: EU Framework Programme 7 and FP6 and earlier programmes | Value: £67,000

PROGRESS: Pricing road use for greater responsibility, efficiency and sustainability in cities

2000 - 2004
The overall objective of PROGRESS is 'to demonstrate and evaluate the effectiveness and acceptance of integrated urban transport pricing schemes to achieve transport goals and raise revenue.' The obj...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £419,282

Sustainable Urban Regeneration (SURegen)

2007 - 2012
The overall aim of the SURegen consortium is to undertake research to develop a prototype Regeneration Simulator Workbench (RSW) that meets the decision-making challenges that Sustainable Urban Regene...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £250,547

Educational Migration and Non Return

2007 - 2008
The Employment Research Institute (ERI) at Napier University was commissioned by the Equalities Commission for Northern Ireland (ECNI) to carry out research to examine the impact of educational migrat...
Funder: Equality Commission for Northern Ireland | Value: £1,000

AHRC Doctoral Award (Daniel Boswell)

2009 - 2014
The contemporary globalisation of publishing, both books and magazines, represents: an increased flow of products across national borders, often superficially customised for different language groups,...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £40,000

Literary Mag's/Cultural, Political Debate 1979-99

2007 - 2010
Funder: British Academy | Value: £54,862

Expert Evaluation Team for the Local eDemocracy National Project

2003 - 2005
How can Local Authorities be sure that eDemocracy works? How can they be sure that they are using the right e-enabled tool for the job and that the use of these tools will result in effective input to...
Funder: Bristol City Council | Value: £40,000

Power, Information, Opinion: Walter Lippmann in the Post-Industrial Era

2011 - 2012
Dr Alistair Duff visited the Lippmann Papers (Walter Lippman’s personal archives and associated materials) at Yale University in autumn 2011. Walter Lippmann (1889-1974), although not enjoying a cur...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £1,350
6 results